i'm getting bald


Well-known member
There, just when i thought that my life wasn't going to get any worse, turns out it did. I just woke up this morning, looked in the mirror and realized that i have these big holes on the top of my head where there's just no hair, i don't know how i didn't noticed it before, the sides are fine but the top of my head has been losing a lot of hair, it must have gotten like this in the past few months because it wasn't like this a year ago, and i often take a shower and notice hair falling from my head, so i asked my sister if she notices anything and she told me like "omg, you are definitely getting bald", and so did my mom. Now here comes the good part, im only 21 years old, and im already going bald, who goes bald at 21? It makes sense, my grandfather is bald and my older brother is also bald except he didnt start until the age of 30. So yeah, ive never had a girlfriend before, and if i thought that my chances of getting a gf in this life were close to none, due to my terrible social kills and my social phobia, now they just got worse, i was already thinking that it was gonna be impossible for me to get a gf because of just the way i am, and now this, life keeps getting better.


Well-known member
Eh, I started balding when I was 19 (I'm 23 now). However, I know people my age who look like they're 30 because they lack hair on the top of their head. If you feel like giving up $30 or so a month you could try the Rogaine thing, but keep in mind you have to keep using it as long as you want to keep your hair.

I say whatever. It's probably not as noticeable as you think. Tons of guys start losing hair early. It's fine. I learned to be okay with it. Way I see it, if someone isn't interested in you because of your hair, that's not someone worth your time anyway.


Well-known member
Welcome to my world. I started when I was 20 and now I'm 34 with receding hair line and very thin hair around my crown. Won't be long before I resemble a monk.


I started losing mine at about the age of 25, I am 32 now. I still have hair but I have a bald patch around my crown which has been expanding ever since I first noticed it.
I'm afraid there isnt much you can do about it, you will have to learn to accept it. I usually shave my hair off. If that isnt for you you can try Minoxidil which grows the hair back, but its pretty pricey...or you can use propecia which is a pill you can take to stop hair loss.

There is also something called Caboki...which I have used and actually works really well...although the affect is only cosmetic...still it might be worth checking out if you are interested.

2011 Hair Loss Breakthrough - YouTube

Oh and as for the girlfriend thing, I dont think hairloss is going to be as important to a girl as making her feel good. Some girls dont find bald guys attractive..its true, but I dont think it all hinges on that. If you work on your social skills first, a girl is going to like you, the baldness wont matter at all to her.
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Well-known member
Hey your not alone on that matter of subject. I started losing hair in the tender age of 19.. or maybe earlier (I didn't notice). I began losing from both sides, and it jus kept going deep. And now I am losing from the top, like there's a circle empty head. The rest of my hair are so thin, u can see the skin. I am 26 now. I worry about this everyday. I have social phobia plus no hair. How am I even spose to attract the opposite sex? :confused:
Some men are still attractive when they become bald. A bald head could be considered a turn-on when presented along with other physical characteristics like a powerful musculature, being tall or being a good athlete. A bald man crazy about body building looks like a Dragon Ball overwhelming warrior.


Well-known member
Firt thing's first, don't panic. Secondly i have a few friends who started going bald in their early 20's and they just have it short or shaved and they are still the same people with or without hair. Don't picture yourself as a cliched bald person either (you know, old beyond your years, creepy) becasue its just not true. Your personality and presentation has more to do with that anyway...

Try and keep fit and healthy..

If its a small bald spot then consider colouring in hair spray, not easy to get but people do use it and it's like the concept of make-up for women. you are just filling in gaps and nobody would pick up on it either.

Also there are developments in treatments that MAY become more mainstream in the next ten years as technology allows it to so that either hair grows back using a cream or medicine that isn't rogaine but something safer.

Apparently Caboki is brilliant as was mentioned above.
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Active member
I've been losing a ridiculous amount of hair lately. I'm still living under a roof so to speak but my hair loss soon going to be visible. A dermatologist prescribed me Propecia; it's supposed to stop the loss and possibily even stimulate new growth.
Any opinion on Propecia would be highly appreciated.
Besides positive reports I've read some pretty worrying ones too on hightly negative side effects like potency problems or even breast growth that could occur. Thanks in advance.


Well-known member
Apparently propecia has a 30% chance of stopping hair loss but you have to keep taking it for many years for it to work and there can be side effects ..

its a lot of effort and chemicals to go through for preserving hair growth ..


Sweetheart, let me tell you this. As a 30 year old woman, I have and always will find balding men attractive. Other woman do too.

So, to possibly make myself blush, but to at least make you smile (and hopefully make you feel better) I have had a huge crush on Patrick Stewart for many years, and think he is one of the best looking bald men ever! Look at Prince William and that girl he got! My advice to you, don't let it grow long with bald at the top like he does, no no. Just shave it very short at the sides and just let nature take its course. If it also helps, I started going grey at 21, now at 30, the front half of my head is grey and its a fricking nightmare cosmetically as we HAVE to keep that maintained.

Don't worry, it's just life and sometimes it just happens earlier than later. You can just laugh later when all ur 40 year old mates start panicking later in life when it happens to them, as you've dealt with it. ;)
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Well-known member
Bald guys are hawt:)

with that said...my husband takes propecia and uses rogaine. works for him. i tell him to save the money and let it fall out. He refuses.


Well-known member
I started losing my hair when I was 20. As I was one of those long-haired metalhead types, I was devastated. So I know how you feel.

Now that I'm almost 31, I've gotten used to it. If my hair looks messy without a comb or still feels a bit greasy without some shampoo, then it's time to buzz it off again. It's easy to wash and dry, though it does get a bit cold in winter. And you can say goodbye to dandruff, because now you can just rub lotion on your head. People with hair need to buy special shampoos to deal with their dry scalps. ;)

And honestly, a woman who writes you off because of your baldness isn't worth your time. Whether she's overly picky or just not attracted to you, you're better off spending time getting to know someone who appreciates you for who you are.

If you really liked steaks, would you waste your time trying to find a vegetarian to be with? Or would you look for a girl who also enjoys steak? ;)
...Look at Prince William and that girl he got!...

I think that is not the best example, but other than that...Bruce approved ::p:
