Iontophoresis! Only drawing 5mA Homemade Machine


Well-known member
Hello, I have been doing iontophoresis treatments at home now with a homemade machine and have seen zero results thus far. I recently found out that the max mA I pull is 5mA (I use a constant supply ov 24 volts, coming from an adapter). I have read that 20mA is ideal, and I am nowhere near close. I live in Vancouver BC, Canada, where the water has zero hardness, I even bought some Toronto spring water, but that did not help much. What do I do??? I need to increase the mA. The voltage is fine, I need to increase conductivity (baking soda and salt only help so much, they raised the mA about half a mA... so not the best.) New water, new machine?
Help Please!!!
and please if you could, tell me how much mA you pull while mainting successful treatments. THANKS!