Is anyone into mechanics?


Well-known member
If so how long did it take you to learn about cars?. I have just started getting into it and it seems more complicated than I expected. I am really enjoying it though! :)


Well-known member
No but good for you - this way you will not have to rely on shonky mechanics who consistently over charge - or if you do have to take it in and they try and tell you that you need this and that to be fixed - which actually does not have anything wrong with it - then you will have the knowledge to know this and wont get ripped off. I think i should take it up - ah who am i kidding as if - too complicated - again good for you :D
I learnt a little about cars slowly overtime just by having an interest in them…. Bloody expensive hobby tho, I spend all my money on my car… its just one big money pit. and when you don’t even earn that much money in the first place then its very frustrating! But being a mechanic would be a great job to have, very handy indeed. I say go for it. good day


Well-known member
I used to desperately want to learn everything I could about mechanics but I figured I'd need someone to teach me and actually show me how to do things (rather than read it from a book). But since I went to uni to study mechanical engineering I've learnt loads from books, plus met a nice young man who helped me buy a motorbike - and I learn all my hands-on mechanics from that.

Cars are fairly complex but once you get the main ideas sorted out in your head, everything falls into place. Bikes are far easier to learn mechanics on though. :wink: Easier still - bicycles.

How long did it take? A few years of doing basic maintenance work on my bike and I've learnt maybe 15% of everything there is to know! Not much is it?! I know all the theory but trying to apply it in real life is difficult.

What do you like most about mechanics 4myself? A favourite machine or car you drool over? :D


Well-known member
think of a car engine as abig pump.

sucks air in, combusts with fuel, expels exhaust gasses...

nothing much more to it.


Well-known member
lonesomeboy said:
think of a car engine as abig pump.

sucks air in, combusts with fuel, expels exhaust gasses...

nothing much more to it.

What about the system that draws in fuel and air (carburettor) or exhaust system, or framework/chassis, or how the engine connects to the wheels + gearbox etc...? There's a lot to explore, but you're right, the engine is the heart of it all and understanding how it works tends to explain away the other mechanisms connected to it.

I think engines are fascinating....

thugaveli said:
never trust a women with a screwdriver

Especially black_mamba

Oi what is zat supposed to mean? :p

crazyfairyx said:
I take classes in mechanics, soo much fun! It does take time to get, but it's a really useful thing to be good at.

Cool, what type of mechanics?


Well-known member
black_mamba said:
Bikes are far easier to learn mechanics on though. :wink: Easier still - bicycles.

I learnt alot about mechanic also from just messing about with my m/bikes i remember me and those long winter nights with nothing more than a haynes manual, a motorbike and a few spanners :lol:


Well-known member
Swing by my place and pick me up when you use that thing McShy - i could use one as well - Atomic Physics 8O :roll: 8O :roll: Jesus - or as you say - deity of your choice.............


Well-known member
Man this self imposed caste system has to go - let me take the low road and i will have a shandy to celebrate - an alcoholic beverage that is not a McShy McCousin. So you fancy yourself an amateur Shakespeare - goodness you aresomething - atomic physics and literary genius - oh dear remember your eyes are blue not green.


Well-known member
Depends - how much do you intend to drink? Besides when you are published of course i will purchase a copy of your masterpiece.


Well-known member
I would love to learn about cars, cuz I do like them, and love the races and stuff, but i just don't know if i could ever do that. 2 reasons..i can't afford to go to school to learn anything and 2..i have a problem with getting my hands dirty LMAO


Well-known member
Well it will be more cost effective for me to purchase one masterpiece - so i am going to be a cheapskate and go with that. Nah - lets get drunk on shandys and order Manhattens and confuse the bar help.


Well-known member
I had never touched a car mechnaically until i bought my first one at age 18. Didnt even know how a motor worked. Bought a 15 dollars haynes manual for 70's and 80's chevy cars. That manual and an old chevy car I had taught me nearly everything I knew.

About 2-3 years later I was rebuilding engines, could of been doing it sooner had I had any money.