is ocd a disease?


i have to do a compare and contrast essay on whether or not OCD is a disease...

i just wanted to get some few ideas from anyone

i have ocd myself but im not sure if it is a disease or not....

-i know that people with ocd have a problem in their brain that is not sending the right message- but i just dont know if its a disease

any advice will be much helpful
thanks :D


Well-known member
Yes. Maybe this is just me, but I think of OCD as more of a disease than the other anxiety disorders. I think medication is more likely to be needed for OCD. Also, scientists have recently found out that certain children get severe OCD after having strep throat (PANDAS, it's called), which seems to say something.


Well-known member
Just to be a little picky , i don't know if it just me, but semantically i think it's more like a illness then a disease.

when i read disease , i think of something that you need to be infected with.
when i read illness i see a whole range of health problems.

but it's probably just me.


Well-known member
Look at the word disease. Break it up into dis and ease and then think about it. OCD is a disease and if you do not believe us, google OCD + disease.

Anything that is bad enough to significantly impair one's life is a disease. OCD significantly impairs a lot of people's lives. So, it's a disease.

Watch "Monk" and see how it impairs his life. Of course he is a fictional character, but he is based on real people with OCD. I don't have OCD, but my brother-in-law does and it significantly impairs his life, causing a dis - ease. Not at ease.