Is there someone in this forum that has never had any friends at all?


Well-known member
Im 21 years old and never had a friend, and neither a gf ofc, since i was little ive had the most difficult time trying to approach people, im in college now and i dont know how to start a conversation with another person, ive tried to ask them like the date for an exam, or whats the time, and thats as far as i go, sometimes i get to hold a converstaion for 1 maybe 2 minutes top, talking about the weather, traffic, or other different crap, but it all ends up in an awkward silence.

During highschool i got invited to about 3 partys i think(i got no idea how that happened) but i didnt go because of my anxiety, and fear of making a fool of myself, plus i didnt know anyone there, and in college im a total outcast. So yeah ive been alone all my life.... Is there someone else? or am i the only alien among society....


I'm going through the same thing,
I remember I started being a loner since I was about 10,
I was in my room all day long, watching anime, reading,
studying, playing video games,
I had some friends during high school but well I just have one friend right now,
and I'm 20,
I know how you feel,
I work as a teacher at a school and feel like I'm an outcast,
I feel like I'm invisible to everyone.
I've always felt like that,
like I don't belong anywhere.
So umm yeah, you're not alone : D


Nah you're not alone I'm 21 years old and since Elementary I haven't had any friends a all. I've learned to do everything by myself and gotten used to it. I started talking to this girl a few months ago but that didn't go anywhere thanks to my disorder.

You're not alone on this.


Well-known member
Hey that's still something. I don't dare being the one to start a conversation, that's how petrified I am of people. lol There have been classmates who tried making small talks with me and I always ended it abruptly without meaning to. :(

I'm also 21 and in college. I haven't made any friends there, just acquaintances so most of my time is spent alone just studying, running errands, surfing the web, and boring things like that.


Well-known member
I'm a loner too. I've a few friends throughout life, but for the past 5 years I've been hiding in my room mostly. I had a couple full time jobs that lasted about a year but got laid off so I've just been a loner bum for the last 7 months. I had one g/f for a little bit a while ago, that's it in the ladies department for me, lol. I know one thing, not having friends in real-life for a significant amount of time is not good for your feelings and thoughts. I feel empty a lot of the time, and really bored too. What's sick is I had the desire to have this life, it's some sick shy thing. It's like I want to be around people but at the same time I don't.


Well-known member
Well... you should know that you arent alone in feeling out of place or disconnected with people-- loads of people are the same way. It's a constant struggle to try and be 'normal' for most people. That's what I think, anyways...

I was never invited to a party from kindergarten until the end of highschool. Not even a birthday party! haha
College was different for me because I was surrounded by people who liked the same things as me.
If you can find people who are also into the things you like, it's easier to talk to them because you can put your focus into a project or something that you know is a shared interest. If you really want to talk to people and make a friend- it's much easier to do in college than it is after college.
The school environment is a much more relaxed and open environment than most in my opinion.

I've never been able to make a friend at work or on the street or anywhere other than in a class at school--- so take advantage of it while you can and just do your best if that is what you want. It might turn out to be easier than you thought! Just don't put yourself down because chances are--- people will think you're interesting no matter if you think you are or not.


Well-known member
Hey that's still something. I don't dare being the one to start a conversation, that's how petrified I am of people.

Im not really sure whats better, if not talking at all or talking and screwing up because you said something stupid and made a fool of yourself, ruining every posible chance you had to start a friendship with that person in the future.