is this a serious mental problem?


Well-known member
well I cant do "two or more" activities at the same time.. for example, I cant listen to music and read a book or an article at the "same time". This is becoming a serious problem for me. Because when when i do two things at the same time I just cant concentrate on neither of them. I just go insane. My brain goes chaos. SO i jus stop doing anything at all. Can anyone relate?


Well-known member
I can't read and listen to music either but I don't have the sensation of my brain going into chaos- I just can't think.
I used to tutor students who needed an absolutely silent room to take tests in because they had learning disabilities that prevented them from ignoring one thing(noise) to focus on another (test). They were smart kids - it was just an 'ignore' or 'filter' function that didn't work that well for them.
I had the hardest time doing two things at once when I had GAD which is generalized anxiety disorder. I took medication and saw a psychologist and got over GAD in about 8 months. During that time I was doing good if I could focus on one task let alone two.
There are probably alot of different ways to have problems performing two tasks at once - it's worth chcing out (doctor or psychologist or learning disability specialist) because it would be good to know that other people have this too and how they deal with it.