Job interview tomorrow.. and i'm freaking out!


Well-known member
I finally bit the bullet and started applying for jobs.. I have an interview tomorrow and I'm having serious anxiety. I'm going over every possible question in my head and i'm seriously feeling sick :? . Anyone have any advice for not clamming up during the interview?


Well-known member
Definately go in there with an attitude in the vein of is this really a big deal, will it be the end of the world if i dont get the job?

There will be other applicants like you who dont have SP and will turn up with loads of anxiety. The fact that youve already gone over so many questions already means that youll be prepared for anything. Good luck with it and remember that thing that god gave you.


Go there feeling like you're definitely gonna be one of the people that they pick. You need to be confident and the interviewers would like to see that confidence also. When they ask you a question, always try to answer it as best as you can. No one-line answers, you have to explain yourself. Also, for every answer you give, try to relate the answer to the position that you'll be getting.
Oh and don't lie too much heh


I read somewhere that dramamine helps with public speaking/interviewing situations. Also, take a xanax before or maybe a shot (or two) of vodka followed up by some minty gum. Just don't break out the flask during the interview! :D

This probably won't help you but the last serious job interview I went on I nearly started crying DURING THE INTERVIEW! I had to stop and compose myself. I'm sure the 2 interviewers noticed and had a good laugh about it after I left. :oops:

Even though I was perfect for the job I didn't get it because of my social phobia. That was 5 years ago. I haven't been on a real interview since then.

I do have a job but it's a commercial cleaning job at night where I only work with one other guy. 12 hours a week!


Well-known member
well, I had the interview.. and I think I'm getting the job. Well they said it was a conditional offer of employment contingent upon the drug test and background check. I'm pretty stoked.. Although i did tell a few fibs in the interview due to being so nervous. Nothing to major though.

I was anticipating 1 interview and it turned out being 3. I was like a ball of anxiety :eek: Now all I have to do is get through work everyday lol. I will be getting health benefits though so I can finally see a doctor!


Well-known member
thats great news! I'm happy for you. let us know how the job goes ones you start working.