Just a quick question


Well-known member
Can anxiety make you believe that you dont have anxiety and just make you believe that your ill or got all sort of problems etc? hehe


Well-known member
Well i don't know about anyone else but my anxiety stems from my other issues. Is this what you feel is happening to you or is it just a querie ?


Well-known member
um.. well.. i have been going through anxiety for years and years... so it kinda has overpowered me completely now... and now i feel like i am being made to believe its not my anxiety any more... arggh. hope that makes sense lol =S



Well-known member
So do you think that your anxiety was once just anxiety - like everyone feels when they are nervous - and that it grew and is now overpowering you - and because of this you now feel that you have more than just mere anxiety ? Oh dear does that make sense to you :roll:


Well-known member
hehehe yeah i understand it hehe
and yeah.. its overpowered me so much that i am now being made to believe its not anxiety anymore... because once i could say to myself.. its just my anxiety making me feel this way.. and i could feel good for alittle while believing that it is anxiety.. but now i can make my self believe it is anxiety anymore...

You get me hehe??


Well-known member
I got you - perhaps you are this way now because you have become aware of your problems - and before you were not, so you had nothing else but anxiety in itself to be responsible for what you were feeling ??


Well-known member
um.. well i have been aware of the problems for awhile.. but it just feels that anxiety has really taken over me now and i cant make my self understand anymore that it just is anxiety.. now everytime i try that.. I just get thoughts saying, its not anxiety.. you got brain problem
or something like that hehehe... cool thing is i can actually tell people this on here cause least there are some people that can relate to me hehehehe