Just another day


Well-known member
You're sharing a house with 4 girls? One dude and 4 girls? How did that come about?

Well I only need one more quarter to graduate, and most decent places require that you lease for a year. So I craigslisted rent for a quarter.
The ad said, big room for Fall quarter only, 550/mo which is cheap for Cali, so I jumped on it. It said nothing about who was there, except that they didn't want a roomate who is loud and parties all the time, so I thought I fit the description pretty well.
It didn't say anything about gender, but I was thinking guys wouldn't mind a girl, but a house full of girls would probably mind a guy (I guess not now). So I assumed it'd be guys. I went with a friend to check out the room and a girl opens the door and of course, I start sweating. I'd worn my soccer practice uni (knowing things could get wet), and I told her I had just came from practice. She showed us around and now I'm sweating like crazy, I think it's because I expected males and I was caught by surprise. We are walking through the halls and I see a few girls peeking from their rooms which was kinda awkward, but I didn't want to formally meet being sweaty. Anyways, the room is big and my friend liked the place so I took it. I needed to lock up a place soon cuz Summer was a few weeks away.
This quarter will b interesting...


Well-known member
Well I only need one more quarter to graduate, and most decent places require that you lease for a year. So I craigslisted rent for a quarter.
The ad said, big room for Fall quarter only, 550/mo which is cheap for Cali, so I jumped on it. It said nothing about who was there, except that they didn't want a roomate who is loud and parties all the time, so I thought I fit the description pretty well.
It didn't say anything about gender, but I was thinking guys wouldn't mind a girl, but a house full of girls would probably mind a guy (I guess not now). So I assumed it'd be guys. I went with a friend to check out the room and a girl opens the door and of course, I start sweating. I'd worn my soccer practice uni (knowing things could get wet), and I told her I had just came from practice. She showed us around and now I'm sweating like crazy, I think it's because I expected males and I was caught by surprise. We are walking through the halls and I see a few girls peeking from their rooms which was kinda awkward, but I didn't want to formally meet being sweaty. Anyways, the room is big and my friend liked the place so I took it. I needed to lock up a place soon cuz Summer was a few weeks away.
This quarter will b interesting...

LOL good luck :D


Well-known member
Good luck with the new roommates. Your condition seems to be very closely related to the mental trigger. I know it's difficult but if you can break the cycle and not think about it, it might help.

Just a couple of things, you have probably thought about already but just in case. What if you wear a hat? Would that help hide the sweat?

For supermarket situations, if you are nervous at checkout, have you tried a self checkout option? Some places have those so you can check out without even dealing with people. I don't sweat noticeably in situations like that, but I do prefer the self checkout.


Well-known member
Hyp-hi, Yea the Roommate situation will probably get its own venting thread.

And yes, hats do help in hiding sweat to a certain extent, but it's usually evident to myself in others when I have an episode.

Yep. I use the personal checkout station frequently, but only for convenience purposes. I don't want/like to hide from life completely just because of HH so for something as seemingly simple as a checkout, I'll take my chances. I mean it doesn't happen every time...more like every other :D


Well-known member
The new semester started last week at my university, and today I went to one of my evening classes there. The class is only once per week so it's nearly 3 hours long. The classroom has these kinda smallish, uncomfortable individual desks. The professor decides that we should all sit in a circle, seminar style. I hate this because that means no matter where you sit, you are at the front of the class because everyone is facing each other. It's more comfortable to have regular seating and sit in the back where nobody looks at you.

To make matters worse, these are small, stiff individual desks, not a nice comfy seminar room where you have a long table and comfy office chairs. When you're in a proper seminar room it makes things a bit better since you have more room to move around and you at least have tables separating you from the people you face. But with this configuration we had today, not only are the desks small and restrictive, it also makes you feel very boxed in. If you suddenly start to sweat heavily, you can't get up and go to the bathroom without asking the person sitting in the desk next to you to move first. The desks are really close together to make a circle so once you sit down you pretty much stay there unless the whole class gets up to leave.

I'm actually REALLY lucky that I decided to take Avert today. I was able to stay mostly dry. Had I not taken Avert today I would have been dead meat, literally. Anyone with facial hyperhidrosis will tell you that sitting in small desks boxed in facing everyone in the class for nearly 3 hours is absolute hell. I guess I'm going to have to Avert every time before I go to this class and hope for the best. Because we all now that if you start sweating heavily under those circumstances, everyone is gonna stare at you wondering why you're so sweaty, and that's gonna make you sweat even more, and you can't even go to the bathroom without the people sitting next to you moving their desk to let you out of the circle.

By the way I considered just switching to a different class, but this class is a core class, you have to take it if you want to graduate. I have no
choice but to take it


Well-known member
Haha, I'm having terrible flashbacks to the third post in this thread. I had that same seating arrangement last spring, but the Robinul stopped working.
It was pretty bad, so make sure you don't do anything too strenuous before class!
I read your post and I was like... I've been here before! Deja vu!


Well-known member
Haha, I'm having terrible flashbacks to the third post in this thread. I had that same seating arrangement last spring, but the Robinul stopped working.
It was pretty bad, so make sure you don't do anything too strenuous before class!
I read your post and I was like... I've been here before! Deja vu!

So then I was right when I suspected the Robinul can be inconsistent, working well some days and not so well other days? If it doesn't work I'm gonna be so screwed.

How did you survive that class?? What do you do if the sweating starts in the middle of class and you can't even go to the bathroom without causing a scene? I guess you just sit there and wait it out but that's really hard to do when you sit in a circle and everyone can see your face leak like a faucet. And of course the more they look at you, the more nervous you get and the more you sweat. You can't make them stop staring at you when you sit in a circle and are boxed in due to desks so close to each other
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Well-known member
How did you survive that class?? What do you do if the sweating starts in the middle of class and you can't even go to the bathroom without causing a scene? I guess you just sit there and wait it out but that's really hard to do when you sit in a circle and everyone can see your face leak like a faucet. And of course the more they look at you, the more nervous you get and the more you sweat. You can't make them stop staring at you when you sit in a circle and are boxed in due to desks so close to each other

Yea if it starts there is absolutely nothing you can do, and don't try to do too much because it will only cause more attention.
It helped when I got there early and got to choose my seat. The corner of the circle was best for me. This way you're not really side by side with either person, you're angled behind them so you can "hide" a bit. Also don't sit opposite of the teacher, sit so he has to look either left or right to see you. In ten weeks I was never called on haha:cool:. GL


Well-known member
Yea if it starts there is absolutely nothing you can do, and don't try to do too much because it will only cause more attention.
It helped when I got there early and got to choose my seat. The corner of the circle was best for me. This way you're not really side by side with either person, you're angled behind them so you can "hide" a bit. Also don't sit opposite of the teacher, sit so he has to look either left or right to see you. In ten weeks I was never called on haha:cool:. GL

I also make sure never to sit close to the teacher because all the students look at the teacher a lot. If you sit next to the teacher everyone will look at you while the teacher is lecturing.

Did you have to give any presentations in this class? Or do some reading or talking? Usually when I have to give a presentation I do it quickly then hurry back to my seat in the back, but in this class configuration you can't do that, you will remain in a circle for all to see. Plus it's even more awkward giving a presentation when you have people sitting so close to you all the time.

I probably will end up skipping at least two classes to give myself a breather. Like I'll go to 3 classes in a row then skip to get a break, then go to 4 classes then skip, then just go to the remaining 3 classes before vacation and the end of the semester. I probably will lose a few points for skipping twice when the class is only once per week, but I really don't care I'll make it up with my other classes or by writing really good essays
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Haha, I'm having terrible flashbacks to the third post in this thread. I had that same seating arrangement last spring, but the Robinul stopped working.
It was pretty bad, so make sure you don't do anything too strenuous before class!
I read your post and I was like... I've been here before! Deja vu!

I am curious how often has Robinul failed to work for you? Is it due to too much exercise ahead of time or taking the med to close to food intake? Robinul seems to work for me in anxiety inducing social situations. I once tested it by running a hard mile after taking it. It does not seem to prevent sweating in that case.


Well-known member
I am curious how often has Robinul failed to work for you? Is it due to too much exercise ahead of time or taking the med to close to food intake? Robinul seems to work for me in anxiety inducing social situations. I once tested it by running a hard mile after taking it. It does not seem to prevent sweating in that case.

Eastside, Robinul usually works fine but has its limits. I think once the sweat blocking walls are reached and it cannot hold off anymore sweat, you body resets. So if you do heavy exercising and you sweat, it will no longer work until you take another dose.
Other than that I've been satisfied with Robinul. I like to eat/snack often and that makes taking it inconvenient, but it's a small price to pay.


Well-known member
Did you have to give any presentations in this class? Or do some reading or talking?

... but I really don't care I'll make it up with my other classes or by writing really good essays

The class was titled "Great Literature" so we just read & examined the classics. The class structure was an open discussion type, and if you wanted to speak you spoke if not you could just listen and note take. I'm not a note taker, but I pretended that I was writing the entire 2hrs, or I was streaming tv on my laptop.
I didn't have any presentations in this class, but I had a successful(dry) presentation in another. 4mg's did the trick.
If you do have to present, I like to go near the end because most students mentally check out because they're only concerned with their own presentation. And most people just want the whole process to be over because nobody enjoys that tense atmosphere.
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Well-known member
If you do have to present, I like to go near the end because most students mentally check out because they're only concerned with their own presentation. And most people just want the whole process to be over because nobody enjoys that tense atmosphere.

Another good reason for being one of the last to present is that if the presentation goes really badly you only have a couple classes left anyway before the semester ends. But if you're one of the first to present and it goes badly, the entire semester you're gonna have to sit in that class and face them again


Well-known member
But yea, I can get 45 tablets for about 25$ on my dads insurance. I guess that's a little better than pharmacy.ca but i'm as frugal as they come...I'm really saving them for school though, because with new roomates (4 girls) i'm thinking i'll need to pop tablets everyday.

Derrick, who gives you the prescription to buy Robinul? Is it your family doctor, a dermatologist, or the school doctor? One thing I really like about pharmacy.ca is the fact that I can buy the glyco without a prescription (and everyone says it's a legit pharmacy).

I don't like going to doctors offices. Having to see a doctor is not a relaxing experience and you have to take time out of your day and sit in a waiting room until they're ready to see you. If it's your first time seeing them you have to explain to them what Robinul is because unless they're a specialist, I doubt they ever heard of this Robinul stuff that people take to stop sweating.

Also, even if you explain it to them a lot of doctors are gonna be really cautious and insist that you get all sorts of tests and checkups to make sure it's not something else. On top of that most doctors I know make you come in at least every 2 or 3 months for a new prescription. It's rare that they'll just give you enough to last 6 months or a year.

Given all that, I'm really glad I can just order the medicine online and be done with it.


Well-known member
Mozart, I get my prescriptions from my school doctor. I went in, told him what I was dealing with and what I needed and he listened. I brought in the container I had previously from pharmacy.ca and I told him I needed it at a cheaper rate. He did some quick research with me in the office, told me the side effects and wrote me two prescriptions for 90 tablets each.
If you sound like you know what your talking about i'm sure you can get what you want (robinul) with little hassle.


Well-known member
Yeah I don't have insurance tho :( So pharmacy.ca is cheaper for me anyway.
I guess you're eventually gonna need a new doctor since you graduate soon?


Well-known member
Yea i plan on asking him for a lifetime supply. no joke

I doubt you can do that. Plus don't forget expiration dates!
By the way did you know that most medication will work fine
even a few years past the expiration date? With each year it loses
a bit of efficacy but not by much.

There is no need to buy a lifetime supply and watch it expire, or to get the same prescriptions from the same guy. There are other good doctors out there. It's not like he's the only guy who will ever prescribe it.

Are you still planning on getting a full time job at a basketball camp? Aren't those jobs kinda seasonal, you work half the year but the other half not really? I wish you the best of luck cause making a living really worries me. Not only do I have to worry about a weak economy and few job openings, but I also have to cross out a LOT of jobs from my list due to the sweating and the anxiety. I'm a realistic guy, I'm fully aware that if going to class for a few years makes me very sweaty and anxious, then spending the rest of my life working most full time jobs will just do the same.

I have to think really hard and be kinda lucky to find some sort of career that involves a lot of sitting in a small air conditioned office or involves a reliable work from home business. I'm still planning on only taking glycopyrolate on an as needed basis, as opposed to daily. I don't want to get a "regular" job and then get totally screwed if the glyco should not work one day or lose its efficacy


Well-known member
Ok I'm back in school now, and here's my dilemma.
My schedule is this:
Monday&Wednesdays 10am-12pm
Tuesday&Thursday 4pm-6pm
For robinul to be effective I have to take 4mg's, but I only have 2hours of class per day! The rest of my days are spent doing athletics.
So do i take the 4mg's per day? or not?
Today I didn't and I got burned(drenched in public...multiple times). Just walking to 30ft from an air conditioned building out the cafeteria triggered a down pour on my forehead. I see familiar faces and I feel the need to change my course/ abort my daily plan to avoid a sticky(wet) situation. btw I ended up going home to eat because the lines were too long in the cafeteria and I knew I was going to melt in line.
I only had 2 hours of class today and I didn't go. 10 mins before class I decided not to go (i live 5mins away from campus) because I knew if i walked in late (if your not 10mins early to get decent seating your "late") i'd have to sit between to strangers or on the steps of theater style seating for two hours.
I cannot hold a regular conversation with someone without sweating. AHHH! had to get that off my chest. it's frustrating:eek:


Well-known member
I would say take the 4mg before the classes. The HH obviously has a huge effect when you don't take it so what can you do? Don't let it stop you from going to classes. Are you concerned because you are doing physical activities later? I think you should be fine as long as you stay hydrated.