just being me


Active member
You know what? After all this time dealing with this SA bullshit I've realized that one thing I really have to start doing is just being myself. It seems like a lot of us try to be people we're not because then we think we'll be looked on as acceptable and we'll live happy lives. I think a real key to getting over this is just to be comfortable with the person you are. Even if that means you're a little eccentric or a little weird or whatever. After a while you start to realize that being you isn't so bad, and it's pointless trying to live the same lives as other people or act the way they do. So i encourage people just to say FUCK IT and act the way you want. I know...I Know... It's way easier said then done, but at the end of the day you'll be happy just because you said what you wanted to say. Throw away the tired image of the person you want to be that's not true to the person you are at heart. It can only hold you back and make you miserable. On another topic however it seems the more i browse this forum the more I see all of the negative posts and people talking about how sad and dreadful they feel. While it's really theraputic to get some things off of your chest, I think that everyone should cut down a little about all of their misery and woes and start making threads developed to help us with our problems.


I wouldn't expect much of a positive outlook on life from a bunch of people who feel like they're in a living hell...



Active member
The problem is "being me" is being really awkward and shy around almost everyone I don't even know what my personality is anymore


Well-known member
I don't know what my personality is like. I can't be social and show my personality around people until I'm comfortable with them...and who knows how long that's going to take?


Well-known member
I do know what my "real" personality is like, I just haven't been able to live & be who I really am because of my anxiety. I would love to be able to just "be myself", but that's just not possible, & never has been.


Well-known member
Lydia said:
grakovsky said:
The problem is "being me" is being really awkward and shy around almost everyone I don't even know what my personality is anymore

I have no real interests in life.
the only thing that makes me truly happy is Alcohol.

Rubbish, everyone has interests..there's gotta be something you enjoy doing (besides alcohol and taking drugs!). Alcohol and drugs solve absolutely nothing. Period. If you can't find interests then it's because you aren't looking hard enough. Everyone has a personality.


Well-known member
Well you know docile, shy, and timid is still a personality. If somebody asks what so and so's personality is like, you don't just say "oh she doesn't have one" ... you say she is shy docile and timid.

Guilty ... I have made posts that were gloom and doom.