Laughing randomly or nervously.


Well-known member
Does anyone else here find it difficult to laugh, at a movie? I hardly laugh at tv or movies. On the other hand, I start laughing randomly, in the middle of a conversation, over stupid trivial things. Or when Im trying to sound serious. Its so annoying, I have to bite my lips just to stop it.


Well-known member
I've the same problem. Even in the office. Sometimes i start to laugh alone and myself.


Well-known member
I'm actually the opposite I'm really loud laughter and usually laugh at dark humor, something that my little brother got from me :( but it's funny I took him to see the last pirates of the Caribbean movie and it had a lot of dark humor, me and my lil brother were laughing are asses off while everyone else was quiet. lol


Well-known member
IBM said:
I've the same problem. Even in the office. Sometimes i start to laugh alone and myself.
I do too,I remember some really funny things and I cant stopping laughing,sometimes someone sees me and its really awkward...


Well-known member
Sometimes a random funny thought will come to my head and i know that others would not find it funny, and i try not to laugh.


Well-known member
I find some people hilarious, even if they're not trying to be. Like one of my buddies I used to work with, just everytime he walked in the room i'd laugh cause he looks just like Jesus Christ! (to me. I guess I was the only one who noticed or thought this.) And finally one day he looked at me and said "What the hell are you always laughing at?"
I was pretty embarassed after that.


Well-known member
ripewithdecay said:
I find some people hilarious, even if they're not trying to be. Like one of my buddies I used to work with, just everytime he walked in the room i'd laugh cause he looks just like Jesus Christ! (to me. I guess I was the only one who noticed or thought this.) And finally one day he looked at me and said "What the hell are you always laughing at?"
I was pretty embarassed after that.

Same for me with certain people at work. It must be their voices or something, but I tend to get the giggles when they talk or explain something. Its odd, because i rarely laugh anywhere else, other than the occasional nervous laughter.