Life is too short...


Well-known member
life is only short when your happy, when you have SA and Depression life seems so long and so pointless :roll:


Well-known member
yes, too true. And slow, boring, meaningless. Life wasting away. Everyone is changing, growing. But me, I stay the same.


Well-known member
hehe. do what i do. sleep. cos then you wake up and realise you have hour to do everyhting you needed to do in the day. then you realise life is too damn short :D


Well-known member
i would not give you the satisfaction of a comeback darling, you have not had my life and u do not even know me or anyone else here i just pity your selfish judgements. 8)


Well-known member
ohhh, you are angry and lashing out- poor you. Maybe, you are jealous that you don't have anyone licking your sour little ass. But I see there is hope for you- if you ever start feeling better regarding yoiur SA, you will be just as much of an asshole as everyone else out there ;)
take care :D


Well-known member
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: i think its you thats bitter my friend i was merely trying to have a joke but your SA probably has swallowed your sense of humour. If i was trying to offend i think i would do better than saying your an ass licker :lol: :lol: . I know theres hope for me as im a survivor. im doing well at uni and slowly making friends, i choose not to get too close to people. maybe if i send u a cheque for £1 you can buy a sense of humour ok :lol: :wink:

take care :lol:

p.s you might wanna spell check you last post :wink:


Well-known member
Me bitter? Naaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwww. I'm not bitter. I do appologize for misinterpreting yer bad humor. As far as my speling? I'll educamte myself so that I can get it writey one of these days. But really your a uni student- I'm a junior mysef. What are you majoring in?


Well-known member
:D im doing biochemistry and microbiology. i did not mean to offend you ok. so im sorry ok. you see SA effect the way that we interpret things i used to get told to lighten up all the time even off my psychologist :)

what do you study :?:


Well-known member
That's fine. I'm not offended. You are right SA's do tend to be defensive and irrational at times. As far as me spelling- I'm not hte greatest- I tend to focus on the message rather than being an accurate speller. Oh, yeah- just for your info- I am from th US- are spelling is somewhat different. example: most of the english speaking world- criticise, patronise- US: criticize, patronize.

My major is cultural anthropology- yes, yes, I'll probably never get a high paying job, but I will be satisfied.


Well-known member
oh my, my spelling- I spell phoenetically way to often- corrections to the prior post- the and our... did I spell phoenetically right? Nope- it's phonetically. :D


Well-known member
thats an interesting subject your studying and if it makes you happy then who cares bout money huh. yeh SAis very defensive its probably because we have been subjected to bullying or severe peer pressure or even abuse at some point in our life its a natural reaction and its the people who do not have it that the odd ones not us you see we are all survivors others hve just been lucky to have a loving family and have nothing to bad happen to them in their life just yet. you see people who have SA tend to be really good natured people and they tend to get their good nature abused by selfish folk but hey what goes around comes round :wink:

are you male or female


Well-known member
Doh! I meant that I spell phonetically way too often! Geez, I hope that I spelled everything ok on this response :oops: :lol:


Well-known member
avid_merrion said:
are you male or female

odd that you ask. I would prefer to think of myself as the next star of the hedwich and the angry inch 2. did I spell hedwich right? You've got me all self concious about my spelling now 8O

Just kidding- I'm a male.


Well-known member
:D peace dude, it my bed time :)

don't get all worked up on your spelling dude im not the greatest myself :?

ok brother i gotta check myself before i wreck myself night night dude 8)


Well-known member
Lmao...People people, calm down. Amazing how people think they are being judged when they aren't aint it, Oh SP, dont ya just love, dont answer that...So anyways, lifes to short to take things so fact, my news years resolution is to take nothing seriously...oh hang on, I dont anyways. Damn, ok, my New Years resolution is to get off my skinny white arse and get myself some hobbies.
Whats everyone elses resolutions and do you think you will stick to them?
Mine usually last to the end of january then i forget what it

Oh and Avid, Ya dont have to call me darling, Lilmiss will