Life Take Over By Strange OCD


New member
My first memory with OCD was my 5th birthday. Laying on the floor of my bedroom;crying because I didn't know where to put my new gifts. I felt I had too much stuff.

From then on I would throw away and hide toys and clothes in the woods because once again, I felt I had "too much."
My parents would tell complain to their friends, "she throws everything away" and I was constantly told my room looked like an "orphans."

I'm 16 years old and OCD has taken over my life.

In Jr. High it completely spiraled out of control. I started making lists of everything I own, reading the list over and over. Counting what I have. Looking for what else I could get rid of.

From the moment I wake to the moment I fall asleep; I'm thinking about what else I could get rid of. I never get a break.

My friends' rooms are filled with knick knacks and clothes. Me?

Everything I own fits in a suitcase but I still feel I have too much.

When you walk into my room you'll see a bed, desk, chair, and a suitcase.

I worry one day this would get so bad I would come to the conclusion that the clothes on my back are "too much" or I would get rid of my home because it's "too much." I don't want to become psychotic.

I was diagnosed with OCD but I don't know what my "fear" is that is causing me to do this.

Is anybody out there like me?

Is this really OCD?

I would love to hear from anyone :)


Well-known member
Hmmm.........This is the exact opposite of hoarding and seems to be equally as destructive. Do a google search. I've noticed that there are posts on this subject. Google: OCD throws everything away.

I wish I could be of more help. You'll probably need some type of therapy.


Well-known member
This is my first time hearing about something like this. I am sort of the opposite because I think I have too little clothes (that fit and look good on me) and gadgets. What you have sounds like OCD. When I used to live in apartments, I tried to get rid of as much stuff as I can because I move a lot and having too much stuff is a hassle. But now that I'm back at my parents' house, I don't try to get rid of stuff anymore. But, I still don't like having too much stuff laying around because bugs love to hide in stuff.


Well-known member
hi ally, its good to hear from you, and welcome. i too have ocd and not what its like so if you ever need to talk im here. to me, your ocd sounds like your fear is un-organization or not being able to find something when you need it. obviously im just going off what i think but it could be completely different. you should continue with your treatment and i recommend cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and Medication. seek a psychiatrist for the meds and a psychologist for the therapy. dont worry though, you wont go psychotic, trust me i thought the same thing, even my psychologist said people often feel they will go insane but they never do, you just wont. no matter what you will always be perfectly in control. also our God loves us too much. pray to him and ask for help and forgiveness of sins. he will always be there for you and protect and love you. I hope this helps you, and i hope you get better. Im here if you need someone to talk to. Good Luck, and God bless :) P.S. Happy Holidays!!!
I have an opposite kind of OCD. I am afraid to loose things, and if I do I get very emotional and think about the lost item. The value doesn't even matter.


I am not completely unfamiliar with this. I recalled it when I read it, there were times in my past when I was feeling like I should only own so much I can carry in my suitcase or something. As if I should be prepared that any time I´d have to run away? Fear of leaving things behind? Or is it just a matter of wanting to have room uncluttered and orderly? Needing to have everything under control and the more we have, the more diffcult is to control it? I am quite OK atm in this regard though. I have enough of other OCD´s :(.


Well-known member
Have you thought about decorating your room and putting up a couple of posters of your favourite bands or something and see if you can make your room a bit more homely. Maybe put a welcome mat at the door or find a box for your pens and pencils. Just a little something to start.
I've never heard of this before. My hoarding/OCD thing i think relates in the following way:
• Hoarding: Keep wanting/getting more stuff
• "Static-hoarding" (what i have): Don't want to gain or lose any more stuff
• "Minimalism" (what you have): Keep wanting to rid/remove stuff
I used to have "hoarding", but nowadays i just want to keep my "hoard" exactly as it is!

Just a quick idea: What about trying a "virtual reality" game or website?? This might be ble to help you to "dabble" with imaginary scenarios (eg try hoarding), and thereby allowing you to maybe uncover some fears or misbeliefs, but safely (as not real, and can even undo). I used to very occasionally go to this site called Shtyle ( : Home). You can create a "room" & decorate it with all sorts of household stuff (but it does cost). But this is the idea that i'm talking about.


Active member
My compulsions seem to jump around. It's pretty weird. I did at one point feel the need to get rid of things, although I wouldn't say I wanted to get rid of everything. I also at one point was so worried about things being "contaminated" that I literally threw away all my keepsakes. In the end though it was sort of a good thing, because now if I ever have to move I only have a few things left lol.

Sorry I got off track there, but I would say that being overly ANYTHING to the extent of it drastically affecting your life would definitely be considered a compulsion. And I'm not trying to diagnose you or anything, but I'm absolutely positive you would benefit from this book:

Brain Lock: Free Yourself from Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior: Jeffrey M. Schwartz, Beverly Beyette: 9780060987114: Books

If you'd like to talk more about OCD and how it has affected my life I would be more than happy to share! I'm actually a very outgoing person! Although I have to admit it's still a great struggle, and it still drastically affects my life. But things are getting better, and I know they will get better for you as well. You just have to persevere and try to enjoy the little victories!

P.S. I've been known to use too many exclamation marks...