list the meds you've taken and how they worked for you


Well-known member
i would like to know what meds you guys have taken and how they worked for you, because im thinkin of trying medication just to help me out a bit.


Well-known member
I've taken zoloft, I started taking that when I was 12 and stopped when I was 18, didn't do anything, if anything, I feel I was manic, I cried non stop everyday when I was on it

Then I took Endep for a year, made me very sleepy, I mostly took it for its painkilling effect, which didn't work

And now I'm on lexapro.....not much to report so far, maybe a little calmer :?


I have taken lexapro and zoloft. i didnt take lexapro for very long because my insurance wouldnt pay for it, but it seemed like it was starting to work. i have been taking zoloft (the generic kind) for a couple of months now, and it seems like it is working, not a huge difference but less anxiety and i dont think so negativly anymore. but it really depends on what works for you. oh and with both the meds, i have been realllly forgetful, thats really a downside to them. it sucks, i have a horrible memory because of them.


None of the SSRIs or SNRIs worked for me... After that year long trial and error session I received a prescription for some benzodiazepines, klonopin in particular. Ever since I started taking these pills, my anxiety has been under control mostly, but I feel like the last two years that I've been on it have just been a fog. Do not take benzodiazepines more than a few months. I just found out that benzos arent supposed to be taken for long periods of time and now I'm kind of pissed off that my doctor has me dependent on a drug that can potentially kill me from withdrawal symptoms alone. I'm getting her to start weening me off the klonopin next time I see her. I've also used propranolol, which is supposed to shut down my adrenaline "fight or flight" hyperactivity, but I don't really find any help from that either... Pharmaceuticals have been a bummer when it comes to fixing my panic disorder w/ agoraphobia... Even with CBT along with it. Everyone is different though, so there is hope for you yet.



I first tried an MAOI called Nardil in late 1992. It was amazing. It was like I was permanently happy. Unfortunately, at the time I was heavily into athletics, and the Nardil adversely affected my training routine, so I stopped taking it.

Next was Clonazepam. Worked for a few hours, but I didn't like the fact it made me feel irritable. Xanax did the same.

Next it was the SSRi's (Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft). They were somewhat effective in treating my SA, but did nothing for anything else, and made me feel jittery and numb. I didn't like them.

Then came Effexor. Effexor was slightly better than the SSRI's but it still made me feel jittery.

It was time to go back to the best. I once again tried Nardil, and have been using it for the last year. It has done wonders. I love Nardil with all my heart.


SilentType said:
I'm kind of pissed off that my doctor has me dependent on a drug that can potentially kill me from withdrawal symptoms alone.


On the contrary, benzodiazepines are very safe drugs. They are almost never fatal. The problem is they can become addictive.
Prozac made me manic, zoloft gave me a seizure, serzone might have caused liver damage, paxil, celexa, wellbutrin, klonopin, CBT didn't help any either. The only thing that has really worked for me is ACT.
Number1usjoe said:
paxil worked for about a month then wasnt so good.

Almost anything you try will give you a placebo effect for about a month or so. I've been doing ACT for almost three years now and it's still helping me everyday.


I'm kind of pissed off that my doctor has me dependent on a drug that can potentially kill me from withdrawal symptoms alone.


On the contrary, benzodiazepines are very safe drugs. They are almost never fatal. The problem is they can become addictive.

I'm fully aware of the addictive properties of benzodiazepines. That's why I mentioned withdrawal symptoms. I am experiencing them as I type this now. Why do you always try to contradict me kyle?



Did I forget to mention the fact that benzodiazepines are one of only two substances of abuse whose withdrawals alone can kill? The other one is alcohol, another drug many of us SPers turn to. I choose not to drink, and I'm weening off clonazepam as I stated above. The only two legal drugs that help us can actually kill us if we use too much. Now that's irony.



SilentType said:
Did I forget to mention the fact that benzodiazepines are one of only two substances of abuse whose withdrawals alone can kill?


Doug, you forgot to mention that this is extremely rare. Yes it can kill, but then again, so can eating peanuts.


SilentType said:
I'm kind of pissed off that my doctor has me dependent on a drug that can potentially kill me from withdrawal symptoms alone.


On the contrary, benzodiazepines are very safe drugs. They are almost never fatal. The problem is they can become addictive.

I'm fully aware of the addictive properties of benzodiazepines. That's why I mentioned withdrawal symptoms. I am experiencing them as I type this now.

I took a year of pre Pharmacology at University and was a Pharmacy Technitian for a time, and know about these kind of drugs. There is virtually no chance that benzodiazepines can cause fatal withdrawl symptoms.

Why do you always try to contradict me kyle?

That's strange, Doug. I just read through your posting history, and couldn't really find a post I contradicted you.


There is virtually no chance that benzodiazepines can cause fatal withdrawal symptoms.

Ok Mr. pharm wiz. You're missing the point. My point is that these drugs CAN cause death from simply getting off of high dosage, if not done properly. I just wanted everybody here to know the dangers of these drugs. I'm not going to waste my time arguing about this, so just go here: and find out how harmful these substances can be...



SilentType said:
There is virtually no chance that benzodiazepines can cause fatal withdrawal symptoms.

Ok Mr. pharm wiz. You're missing the point. My point is that these drugs CAN cause death from simply getting off of high dosage, if not done properly. I just wanted everybody here to know the dangers of these drugs. I'm not going to waste my time arguing about this, so just go here: and find out how harmful these substances can be...


Thanks for replying to my comments, Doug.

That website reminds me of this:

Doug, both sites are meant to install fear in the minds of the public. But that's another story. Anyway, I would just like to remind the people of this site that yes, benzodiazepines can cause unpleasant side effects and withdrawl symptoms, and should always be taken with care.

PS. Doug, you still have not indicated where I "always" contradict you. Perhaps you are thinking of someone else. You could be exhibiting some symptoms of marijuana addiction. Pot is known to cause short-term memory loss.


First of all, who is Doug? Secondly, it just seems that, not ALWAYS, but quite often, you respond to my posts trying to tell me that I'm wrong about whatever it is I'm saying... I'm not going to go search out examples, but if you'd like to find out what I'm saying is true, you can go search for A SINGLE POST in which you've quoted me and not disagreed. I'm all for debates, but it just seems that you dislike me or something lol.

Oh and uhh, who's Doug again?



SilentType said:
First of all, who is Doug? Secondly, it just seems that, not ALWAYS, but quite often, you respond to my posts trying to tell me that I'm wrong about whatever it is I'm saying... I'm not going to go search out examples, but if you'd like to find out what I'm saying is true, you can go search for A SINGLE POST in which you've quoted me and not disagreed. I'm all for debates, but it just seems that you dislike me or something lol.

Actually Dougie, I could be wrong but don't believe there is any posts of me contradicting what you may have said.

PS...How are the SSI cheques paying out for ya?


You could be exhibiting some symptoms of marijuana addiction. Pot is known to cause short-term memory loss.

Pot has also been shown to be just as effective as any pharmaceutical as an anxiolytic...

PS...How are the SSI cheques paying out for ya?

You're acting very childish by attacking me personally, especially in regard to the SSI. SSI is just a small source of income, suggested by my psychiatrist, while I transition from a failed attempt at university, having to move back in with my parents, and working toward getting a transcription job. I don't know about you, but I have bills to pay. I'll be done with my transcription in three months and have a job that I can work at without my agoraphobia getting in the way. Therefore, there will be no more need for SSI, as I'll be making enough money to move out of my parents house and get on with my life.

Also, trying to compare a website which conveys the dangers of benzos to the propaganda that the U.S. government spreads about marijuana is ridiculous. They just know that it's legalization would replace tons of drugs and make our economy even worse than it already is. Sure, they could make money taxing it, but then they wouldn't get the billion dollars in taxes that it costs Americans each year to house those who are jailed on marijuana related offenses.

Marijuana, used medicinally (as for me, before bed so that I can sleep and occasionally before I go out to run errands), shouldn't be confused with recreational marijuana use by potheads, who suffer from problems such as short-term memory loss.

I have a feeling that you're just against marijuana, or maybe you just don't like me. I could care less about how you feel about either one. I just wish you'd get informed on the subjects you're writing about before you post you're bullshit up on these forums.

P.S. - My name is Luke, not Doug...



I'm sorry Luke.

I didn't mean to offend you. For some reason I thought your name was Doug. Forgive me as I didn't mean to hurt yoou in any way. Sometimes I like debating on the internet, and I get too involved in it. I like to take jabs occasionally as I find it therapeutic. I was bullied in school, and now that I'm an adult I have developed thick skin.

Sometimes I forget that others are still sensitive the way I was in grade school. That's probably a good thing, because once you lose your sensitivity, a part of you dies. I wish you all the luck in your career path, and please don't be angry with me. I think you're a very intelligent guy, and I thought it would be fun to debate you.


Active member
I have been on Luvox (SSRI) for the past 5 months and I feel like it's not doing anything anymore, I feel like I might even be going down hill. I don't think I experienced any side effects though, just a gradual feeling of clarity and not so many negative thoughts that I have a disease or something.

I was on Xanax for about 4 months, with the last 2 months weening off it. I miss that stuff. It was my crutch...I feel like going on it again. I found that I was very drowsy on that stuff, and a bit clumsy as well as mild short term memory recall - but it was worth it not to feel so anxious so often about nothing.


New member
paxil works

i have been on paxil for 1 year and it works extremely well. i was on 40mg, then over christmas weaned off. i was off it for a month and anxiety came back. i hav started taking it again.
it makes u feel mighty comfortable socially. i suggest it to anyone and don't believe everything u read about it on the internet.
side effects are minimal. u have to be on it for at least 6 weeks to notice a change. Give it a try!