looking for work!!!


Well-known member
man this sucks, i need a job so bad. my city is booming and there are jobs all over the place but still i get no call backs after applying. maybe my resume sucks but i dont know how to make it better. i always blow in interviews well duh social anxiety makes them hell. where can i get help in looking for work? make better resume and stuff and learning to be better at interviews? i mean is there counselling or something for this kind of stuff? i really am serious i want to see help on this but dont know where to get it. anyone know?


Well-known member
This is difficult ok. Do not worry to much about it. It is a problem for everyone else.

It is one of the bigger causes of stress for everyone. So do not worry too much.


Well-known member
Do you have an employment agency in your area? Search online and see if there is some kind of government agency nearby where you could get free help with your job search. You can probably get help writing your resume, and also get advice for going to an interview.


Try applying to job's online..maybe that would help you out with your work situation since you have social anxiety. I've been seeing that as a suffer of social anxiety that the more i seclude myself from getting out there and getting a job my social anxiety gets worse because working somewhere where there's people that you have to interact with gets you to overcome the anxiety of talking.


Well-known member
You seriously wanna know where I got my resume from? And I couldn't believe I got my job cause of it... I found some little kid site that helps kids write up a resume. It asked if you liked to sell lemonade at a lemonade stand and goofy questions like that. Based on your answers it determined what kind of skills you possessed (leadership, communication etc) then wrote it out in a nice short resume and sounding all sophisticated. I actually turned it in and got a call just for turning that turd in. 10x better than anything I was trying to do myself. I'll try to find the site again. It's been a few years. I think I was just google searching resume makers or something but anyway.

As for the interview. The interview is easy for me cause I don't know the person at all, its one on one and I just put on an act. The only one rule to follow is never fidget with your hands (HARD!! I kept clicking the pen the entire interview... so I would suggest keeping pens as far away as possible). And keep eye contact. Just constantly be thinking about eye contact the entire interview. It doesn't have to be perfect but just try too make eye contact if you catch your eyes looking somewhere else.

Edit: I found the site :D My First Resume


Well-known member
haha this one i have experience with. I got rejected from around 150 jobs (literally) after graduating ranging from no response, to "sorry we're not hiring" to getting an interview and blowing it. The important thing is, each time you get a rejection, ASK WHAT YOU COULD HAVE DONE DIFFERENTLY. The worse that can happen is you don't get a response. And the best is you get tips on how to improve next time.

Sketchy24 is right about the interview part. You don't know the guy, you never have to see them again. Just go in with a big big HI!! I'M SPAWN!! And at the back of your mind, you already know the guy thinks you're outgoing. Just knowing that will help you keep it up for the next 15 min or so, and thats all you need.

feel free to pm for help on the resume... but keep in mind my track record hehe.

As for finding work it might be easier to help if we know what type of work you're looking for


Well-known member
Add some volunteer work to your resume. It's not like they're going to ask. Just be prepared for possible questions regarding said volunteer work. Also, if you have done volunteer work in the past, widen the time in which you did it by a few months so they'll think you're a people person who likes to help and be a good samaritan and whatnot.

Make sure you also add quite a few hobbies and skills to that list (typing skills are important, being able to type quickly and with proper grammar and punctuation, etc), like photography, reading, music and any others you might think of.

Add a lot of filler so they don't get an unattractive blank page.