Looking for work


Ive come to a bit of a bump in my life. Ive just failed my tafe course since i didnt want to do certin things like showing work or standing in front of class giving presentations.

I live out of home, i found when i was at home i would stay in my bedroom most of the time not wanting to leave, moved closer to the only friend i had at the time to have some type of social life.

Basicly ive come to the only thing i can do is to get a job or move back in with my parents which is out of the question. but the thought of having to find work is terrifing to me.

How did you manage if you managed at all?


Well-known member
Interviews are a horrid thing but they are pretty much necessary in today's world. All I can suggest is medication and a liberal dose of philosophical attitude for these events. If you go to an interview thinking that you have nothing to lose and heaps to gain then you may just surprise yourself.
Of course you should look for employment that is not too stressful and entails duties which you feel you can handle. I managed to work with my condition in an office environment for many years. It had its moments but once you get into a daily pattern - same desk, same faces, etc - its not too bad and you actually feel a lot better about yourself for doing it.
Good luck with your endeavours. :)


Well-known member
hey jess1586

i dont mean to encourage anyone to focus a career around bieng an introvert .. but ..

you know you could learn some skills in webdesign or computer graphics or something like that if your any good. Then you can subcontract from home. You will probably still have to do some level of interaction with clients .. but you can do most of your stuff through marketing on the web.


Well-known member
I see that you're from Australia so you should be able to get a medical certificate which enables you to get Centrelink benefits without having to work or look for work. That's what I did a couple of months ago. All you need to do is go to a GP, expain you situation and ask for a medical certificate. You may need to see a psychologist or psychiatrist to get a diagnosis but a GP can organize that for you. They can also put you on medication, which will help alot. Don't just go to any GP though. Some are more interested in perscribing a bunch of pills than really helping someone. If you search around on the internet you should be able to find some good GPs in you're local area. I can help you if you're interested in doing that. I've come across a few good Australia sites, and I should be able to find them again fairly easily.

All this seems scary I know, but it's really not that bad. I was scared to death but I did it but I survived and things are much better now. It's so much easier having money without having to constantly worry about losing it if you don't do such as such.

It's great too because you can use the time to slowly work on getting youself in a position where you can work.

I hope this helps.


Well-known member
Yeah this is the bitch of life. I finished Uni got my degree but not the job. Been about 6 months know I managed to do a shitty job before christmas for the money now I'm back to sqaure one. I'm not going to give you any marvelous advice some of which you probably have already heard.

Keep going, it does knock you back but something will happen or at least make yourself believe that.
Go into every interview as if you your not going to get it, but prepare as if its the only job you can get. If you don't get it so what move on life goes on etc!!!
Don't wait for a job to find you go and get the job.

What makes it worse for me is that not only do I hate interviews and ringing people up, i'm unemployed and living with my girlfriends parents believe me not ideal situation.


thanks everyone for the replies.

yeh im thinking about taking advantage of centerlink and getting payments from them so i can atleast get myself all sorted before i start working.

And yeah ive yet to actually see a doctor, i do need to find one that understands it all.

thanks again