Love or lust!

Love or lust!

Do you guys know the difference?
My SA means I haven't had many experiences with the opposite sex.
So I am not sure myself if I know the difference.

I would appreciate your thoughts on the matter.
I think lust is mostly based on being physically attracted to someone- you don't even have to know the person, or you could even know the person and not necessarily like their personality, but still want to have sex with them because of their physical attractiveness or even other reasons (like wanting your brother's wife simply because you hate your brother).

With love, you know the person really well, and are drawn not only to their physical attributes, but to their personality. You care about the person and what happens to them in their life, and you want not only physical intimacy with the person, but mental/emotional intimacy as well.


Well-known member
well i think i know the difference. Although when I think I'm in love with someone I guess it's just infatuation


Well-known member
Love is when someone, lol. You would do anything for that person, you care about what they feel, think etc. more so than yourself. You feel a very deep, personal connection and you can tell them anything without fear of judgement.

Lust is when you just want sex and other things with a certain person that you feel no deeper connection with.


Well-known member
i have had no experience as well. i am an adult so i hope i am able to tell the difference, but i do feel child like when it comes to some things and that would be one of them.

Yeah... I know what you mean. I too feel childlike even at the age of 41... Kind of weird at my age for sure! I think that awkwardness of feeling like a child also makes me even more anxious and fearful of intimacy... I know I am obsessed with women, but at the same time I am also scared to death of them too. Weird huh? :confused:


maybe i shouldnt type this in here!!

on second thoughts, i shall!

if you have a w**k, you dont have to cuddle it afterwards! and you dont have to tell it that you "love it" :D


Well-known member
maybe i shouldnt type this in here!!

on second thoughts, i shall!

if you have a w**k, you dont have to cuddle it afterwards! and you dont have to tell it that you "love it" :D



Well-known member
if you have a w**k, you dont have to cuddle it afterwards! and you dont have to tell it that you "love it" :D

While the above may be true, I can't say that I've had any real emotional connections to any of my past w**ks....



Active member
Lust is when u want someone just for sex and its really strong but its not love. Love is the greatest and the shittiest. You'll know what love is, when that person u love screws u over. Then you'll know that you loved that person or not.


Super Moderator
I think Lust is purely a physical thing, and love is when you actually feel something for that person.


Well-known member
I play it safe and assume everything is LUST whether it's me or somebody else.

I mean what is "love" really but a label to make a feeling "feel" more important.

Lust is Lust is Lust. Meh.


Well-known member
edit: whoops, wrong thread

appropriate response:

I've never had a girlfriend or close female friends. Heck, I've never had a close friend :S
I tend to obsess alot over specific girls, over a long time - thinking about how happy I'd be with her, that kinda thing. It has to be lust to fall in love like this, since I guess real love has to be mutual.
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I think for many, lust and love are quite separate and they can tell. But sometimes we as humans have the tendency to 'imprint' our dream girl/guy onto a person.

So our views become distorted, we need the 'happily ever after' or at least some love so badly that we sort of put someone else on a pedestal. Imagine qualities in her that she does not possess?
I think lust comes on strong and fast. However, I believe love is a feeling/emotion that grows over time and comes on slower.

Yeah... I remember this drop dead gorgeous girl who shares a class with me. When she entered I was like... 'You have got to be kidding.' (She dresses well too).

But I didn't really pay her any mind. Cause many of the most beautiful girls I've known in the past were... well let's just say I'm not at all attracted to their personalities. Now I certainly looked at this girl sometimes (make that often), simply because she is so pretty. But I thought... 'Just another sexy hot babe'...

But I'm kind of forced into a project with her. Forced to exchange contacts and all and work together. Found out she is caring, funny,very smart and brave. Then on msn, we talked a bit, found out more. Found out her not so good sides as well... Well, maybe it's not a bad side, just that she is so determined it's scary. Then heard her sing and I was like... 'ok... why is she still here? She should be making her own albums..'

I didn't actually fall in love with her (I think), though I certainly care for her as a friend. But if there's love, then I imagine it's something like that. Something that creeps up on you.