Lynx advert


Well-known member
what do you guys think of this new lynx advert about the premature perspiration? See what they've done there, you think its going to be about premature ejaculation but its not.....aren't those advertising people clever hey.


Well-known member
Haha yes. Every ad ive seen from them has had some kind of sexual meaning. Its stupid. I guess people are stupid enough to buy it just because of that. Like the ones before, made out that you'll get loads of girls the more of it you spray haha. So some people might actually believe that stupidly.
I hate advertising.


Well-known member
It is marketed to young teenage boys, you can't expect too much. They're probably already imagining it. :)

That's handy, it's the advertisement at the bottom of this thread.


Well-known member
Haha well anything to do with that has been imaination for me! So I guess I'm no different.

But I can see that adverts lie haha.

Haha yes I was thinking the same about the bottom add hah
They must pick up on what words you write.
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