Mad thougt...SP meetings!


Well-known member
Even though we are all socialphobes, I was wondering how many of us would be brave enough to meet up, possibly in groups. Isnt that a mad thought. Would we all sit there in silence or would we want to make the others at ease and start to chat. Maybe some of us would have a panic attack and run out....Who knows!
Whats your views?


Active member
I have never been to a group for social phobics but have been to a support groups for depression, mental illness etc and found it very helpful. It is abit uncomfortable at first but once you get to know each other you help each other out. Like everyone is at a different level with their sp. Some have had it for longer, some are almost recovered and some are still young enough not to make the mistakes we did.

I think it is a good idea as eveyone can help each other out and work on changes you need to make to overcome the sp as I find support goes along way.


Well-known member
I have attended a couple sp meetings in my city. It was very hard for me to make up my mind. One moment I was saying "I go", then "I don't" and so 1000 times! At last I decided to go (really nervous) and on my way still thinking about coming back home. But I went!!!!!! In the group you could see very different behaviours, people that didn't seem to have sp (I thought that it was a wrong group), but there was also people that didn't speak at all, and other ones who speak some (like me). Anyway it was a good experience and I have met interesting people and we keep meeting. So I encourage you to do the same if you have the change.


Well-known member
Worrydoll, I think i would actually give a group like that a go. Being in the same boat as everyone in the room must make it feel a whole lot easier....surely. I can say that on here but It would probably a whole new story if i was to go to one for real. It would be interesting to find out if i could though.


Well-known member
I would go

don't care if I wasn't asked to go. I would fucking go. I have "social anxiety" or "social paranoia" or whatever. I have all the symptoms, checked right down the list. I would show up at a convention unconditionally(as long as it was beneficial for me in some way). Okay, actually, I wouldn't go. What kind of faggots would turn out at such an event? I'll tell you: a bunch of whining idiots who wouldn't put on a good show. Fuck that. If I saw a post of a pic from the first annual "Conevention of Whining Idiots Who Don't Admit They're Just Being Pussies" convention, and it looked like there were tons of females there, then, I would go. But that convention would inevitably suck. Listen. I have all the SA symptoms. I have all the paranoid symptoms. All the etc. symptoms. I suppose I could very well, therefore, start talking about myself as though I were similarly afflicted. But that would be silly. I am learning to just...fucking...STOP IT! like many others in history did. FOr instance, like all the other people who had "SOcial Anxiety" before it was diagnosed. Yeah, there were many thousands of years of that. Stop it. Morons. You're wasting time. Stop it. You'll find a way, millions of others did, and I am.


Two Words


Well-known member
Two words, did you ever actually realise your wasting your time by coming up with Phrases like STOP obviously hasnt helped you in any way at all, if it had you wouldnt be sat there in front of your computer whinging about the problem. Why dont you put your energies into coming up with useful ideas instead. As for those conventions being full of whingers...well what the hell do you think your doing? Its no different, your in a forum doing it where as those that go to the conventions actually have achieved something by going to a public meeting in the first place.