made an ass of myself (again)


Well-known member
Today, I had a meeting; no big deal. I didn't have to talk, that I was aware of. Really psyched myself up for this," no reason to be nervous". Then, as soon as I walked in the door, it hit me instantly. I couldn't speak properly, even say hello properly. Then, they held this draw for these really cool prizes, and I prayed they wouldn't dare call my name out, cause I would have to walk up to the front to claim my stupid prize. I was so obviously nervous as the names were called, holy shit, I felt like a freak 8O . Then, I left last, so I didn't have to say goodbye to everybody. Kind of funny now, cause the prizes were really cool, but I would have done anything NOT to win one. :roll: Am I a dork, or what?????????????


Well-known member
haha oh dear, i feel ya. one time i went to a bingo night at my college and i didn't realize it was going to be so crowded. There were different ways to play and alot of people didn't know how to play and they would yell out "bingo" when it was impossible and people would boo them. one girl turned beat red and everyone was laughing at her because of it. i felt like a chicken that realized it was on a chicken finger farm...

i was purposefully skipping the ones that i had on my card so that i wouldn't win. everytime i got even close my heart would race because i was there with a friend and i thought she would catch on to what i was doing or think i was being careless. if you won, you could win anywhere from $25-$100 8O

so you're deffinately not alone! :D needless to say, you won't catch me at another bingo game


New member
nope, not a dork. =} happends to me all the time only i would have felt like throwing up.


Well-known member
if you are a dork then at least your a brave one!!!! a lot of people in your situation wouldntve had the guts to show up but you did - well done


Well-known member
Oh man, back in high school I got an academic award. They are usually all presented on the same day in front of the entire school. They give out around 15 each year. This was just when my anxiety was all starting to come to surface. I actually missed the awards day because it was the same week my anxiety kicked in. So a few weeks went by after I went back to school. Every week the entire school meets in the auditorium and every week I would think they were going to present mine. Then finally someone told me they were going to give it to me that week. Knowing made it ten times worse. I sat there, my heart started racing, and I felt all flushed and shaky. Finally they called me up in front of the ENTIRE school. It was hell. Luckily I made it there and back with no incident. I had some friends cheering me on which helped a bit. There is nothing I fear more than standing in front of a crowd (small or large). You're definitely not a dork.


Well-known member
Yep, I would of reacted the same too!!! when I was at school you found out in advance if you were getting an award for good progress or whatever and utimately those were always my days off :lol:


Well-known member
yup, i would have been sweating like a pig and no your not a dork. i've made a fool of myself alot worse than this.


Well-known member

no your not a dork i would of def made a excuse to leave the meeting and then felt down and depressed that id not gone threw with it well done!!! :D


Well-known member
heh that happens to me all the time!
on ski trips, they always have raffles
and I .hate. it when I'm called
It really annoys me >>;

so don't feel stupid!


Active member
I tried Bingo once, never again! I called "Line" or whatever it was when someone else had done it and the looks off those old bideys was shocking! :oops: :lol: