Making conversations


New member
Anytime there is an opportunity for me to make a conversation or small talk with someone, I just dont know how to go about it. I think I'm missing some of the skills that are necessary for it. Nothing comes to my mind when I want to talk to someone. It's like a mental block :? . For some reason it seems to be easier to talk with girls/women than guys. But that's a small difference anyway. For a while I can keep it going, but then I just sit there quiet, staring somewhere. I feel stupid and incompetent when that happens :cry: . Talking seems to be so easy for everyone.. kids, older people :evil: . Sometimes I see people sitting at a cafe or something just yapping away for hours 8O . It seems to come naturally to them, dont you think?


Well-known member
Sim, I completely feel the same way. Once I run of out random chit chat, I can't figure out what to say next. Then I get really self-concious and I would love to be like those people you see at cafes just hanging out, talking about nothing! The people that you can do nothing with and still have a good time are the kind of friends I would love to have!
I guess the best advice people have given me is to relax and stop focusing on it, and conversation will come naturally. I know, easier said than done!