Money baby!!!


Well-known member
I was just wondering how ppl see money? what i mean is,i used to think itd be so cool to b rich and have loads of money and material goods, but since being diagnosed with depression i actually now find money abit of a turn off, as odd as this might sound? I think its coz i realised how true it is money doesnt make u happy? Altho, id love som so i could start up a dog charity!! but all i want now is a satisfying job, caring family, lovely BF, and confidence and ALOT less anxiety! how bout u guys?


I defintley agree with you Bexi, i would sooner be poor and and have friends close fammily and a good relationship.Plus ive always been well to put it bluntley poor, neither of my mum or dad worked when i lived at home so money was really tight, and since moving out and getting my own place, with not being able to work due to anxiety/depression money is also very tight now... But it doesnt make me unhappy, when you dont have money, i think it makes you appreciate things more because there not so easily obtained.

But on the flip side, if i had loads of money i could pay for the best treatment and go private instead of waiting ridiculous amounts of time for treatment on the nhs :evil:


Well-known member
Money represents security for me. I would like to have enough to be independent and enough to put away so i could have a comfortable retirement. The thought of being old and at the mercy of the government and what they see fit for the elderly to live on scares me.
I'll never be rich and i'm fine with that, i just want to be secure.


Well-known member
Money immunizes you from alot of crap.

I agree with redlady. It's not necessary to be 'rich', but to have enough to maintain and hopefully improve your existence and to invest in and for the future and not have to rely on other people or the state to take care of you.

Money allows you to live in a quieter neighborhood (if noise bothers you), perhaps in a safer house that doesn't have a leaky roof or 60-year old wiring. Money provides you with reliable transportation and the peace of mind that insurance brings should something go wrong. Money means the washing machine gets replaced or fixed the next day as opposed to doing the laundrette for (6) months. Money gives you options: career options, health-care options, lifestyle options. It makes things easier.

It allows you to feed and maintain your vices, good or bad.

I've been 'poor' and 'comfortable'. Poor sucked more than comfortable in practically every way.

While money might not make you happy, it will make you less irritable :wink:. I'm all for that.


Well-known member
Well, having money is an important thing. but i guess you're talking about being a millionair. Diffenetly, money isn't always the happiness source.

all i want now is a satisfying job, caring family, lovely BF, and confidence and ALOT less anxiety! how bout u guys?
changing BF to GF, I couldn't say my needs in abetter way. thanks bexi! :lol:


Well-known member
money is partly because i decided to change who i was..

imagine yourself having SA, how would you manage to take care of the family, how would you get those promotions at work, and how do you earn money when u cant work, as you are cripppled by SA..

such things motivated me to change,


Well-known member
Im happier with money

I know money isnt supposed to buy happiness but for me its the closest I can get. Wether Im rich or poor Im a lonely loser, but at least with money I can afford to buy new DVD's, nice food and a high speed internet connection.

Life without money is very very stressful if you have to fend for yourself and pay all your own bills. Simple maths means if you have no money you cant buy food and pay for rent. What socialphobic who has plenty to worry about already needs to worry about what they will eat next or how they will pay for rent or power?

So for those of you like me who are ugly losers who spend years on end completely alone with no friends or relationships, try and get rich cause in some cases money can be the only source of happiness. I dont think that its wrong to make the most of money but god do I get sick of people in relationships or/and people with lots of friends rubbing it in by saying money cant buy happiness. Sure if I was lucky like them and was actually treated like a fucking person by my peers then yeah, but its not like that.


It would be so nice to have so much money, i could then disappear to places i feel safe and never have to worry about having to be in situations i run away from, work etc etc.

Of course you would still encounter you phobia day in day out, but i feel money will give me more choices, you can't get into so much trouble sitting on beaches can you :)

But on the other hand, if i had the choice to have 10 million pounds or to be happy and not live with so much pain with my phobia, there is only one answer for me :) , oh i WISH :(


Well-known member
i wouldnt feel good if i had too much money. i hate spending it on stuff i dont need. i just need enough to clear my loan for collage and to get what i need.
if i ended up winning the lottery i would freak out and give most of it to concern. they need it more then i do.


Well-known member
Get real.

We're all essentially materialistic and money is at the heart of this. It's nothing to be ashamed of, not matter what do-gooders and the p.c. would like to preach to you.

Money alone doesn't buy happiness but it removes an awful lot of worry and opens up opportunities to explore life without a constant background worry about needing to keep an income coming in.

The one area of my life where my SA is heightened is at work. The reason I hate work is because I have to be around people I don't want to be around. The reason I go to work is to get money. If I had £millions, then I could remove this worst aspect of my life, that area of my life which brings out the worst in my SA.

Money brings freedom from that noose. I could choose to not spend 8 tortuous hours every day in a situation that I loathe. Whilst that does not equate to happiness, it would remove the one huge blight.

Imagine if you had unlimited money. If you really think about what that would mean, in every area of your life, you would realise that life would be so much better.


Well-known member
pitkreet said:
Get real.
Imagine if you had unlimited money. If you really think about what that would mean, in every area of your life, you would realise that life would be so much better.

With having unlimited money i think this would also bring its own problems, for example people who are with you just for your money. I have people in my life just now who i would like to be closer with and its not all my fault that i cant be closer to them but i know if i was to get a vast amount of money then they would soon be my friend and for all the wrong reasons. I also think that after a while boredom would set in as once you have done everything you ever wanted then you go to seek new highs and alot of people with unlimited money (not them all) find this in drugs and drink.


Well-known member
i agree with scottish, again! ALso, i disagree that we are all "essentially materalistic", as shown by som of the replies on here. why does it appear to be that the richer som1 is the tighter they seem to be too? and snobby? I'm trying to think of one thing i could buy which would make me happy...hmmmmm ( i madly fancy som guy i know at the moment so maybe thats why im so dis intrested in money??) Dream land Bexi xx


Well-known member
Scottish_Player said:
pitkreet said:
Get real.
Imagine if you had unlimited money. If you really think about what that would mean, in every area of your life, you would realise that life would be so much better.

With having unlimited money i think this would also bring its own problems, for example people who are with you just for your money. I have people in my life just now who i would like to be closer with and its not all my fault that i cant be closer to them but i know if i was to get a vast amount of money then they would soon be my friend and for all the wrong reasons. I also think that after a while boredom would set in as once you have done everything you ever wanted then you go to seek new highs and alot of people with unlimited money (not them all) find this in drugs and drink.

So having a perpetual need to earn new money make life interesting ? A lack of money just means you have to participate in the drudgery of everyday working life. Also, do you not trust you own judge of character to determine who would be a hanger on for your money and who would be a genuine friend?

Work sucks. The only reason 99% of people do their job is to get money. Given the choice, they'd sooner have unlimited money and immediately ditch their job. They would then have so much more time to explore the interesting apects of life. If you think that would get boring then are you seriously suggesting that you'd rather have some 9-5 job and that would make life so much more interesting than having the freedom to do what you want with your time?

I don't understand why people seem to think it's cool to say that money sucks.


Well-known member
I can honestly say right now i dont work for money, about 40% of me enjoys working and the rest of me just goes to work because i need something to occupy my time, i have a weeks holiday starting tommorow and i will be so bored and i know it, and asual i will look forward to going back to work.

If i didnt work money wouldnt really bother me, i dont want to sound big headed here but i have alot of money in the bank just now, enough for me to go enjoy myself and give up work for a few years that would be if money really made me happy but it dosent. If i had to pick something that realy made me happy i would have to say that being loved and needed probaly would but i will just have to wait and see.


Well-known member
Money is merely an arbitrary credit flashed around by people so they can feel powerful or successful. The sooner we return to the barter system the better. Greed is out of control!!


Well-known member
Ads7800 wrote

The sooner we return to the barter system the better. Greed is out of control!!

Unfortunately there aint no going back - It just keeps on getting bigger, greedier and fatter from here on in. Curse the day they got rid of Whitlam.


If I'm honest i would like more money so that i don't have to worry about having to pay the bills and also to go into a shop and not worry about the price of things.

I think we all dream of been rich, but i know that it's not going to happen for most of us.

what i want is to get over my social phobia and to be able to talk to people with confidence.



Well-known member
I know that money can't buy happiness and all that...but I would love to have it anyway. I mean...I'm broke as hell and not happy...i'd prefer being rich and not happy...ya know what I mean? LOL

Seriously, money is stressful because I can't earn it, so I depend on my mother to take care of me in terms of money. I spend alot of my day wishing I had my own money.