My friends, if your current therapy isn't working I STRONGLY suggest CBT.


New member
I struggled with mild OCD through childhood but a traumatic event that happened to me about 8 months ago "flushed out" my OCD as my therapist would say. I have pure-O that branched into other OCD tendencies after my experience. It was so bad at one point that I couldn't go outside.

I've been in therapy for about 7 months and now have my OCD completely under control. CBT teaches to accept thoughts and not fight them. It is very cutting edge and I know that not all therapists are trained in its techniques. If what you are doing now is already working, great! But if you have been struggling and can't seem to find anything that works I suggest a therapist trained in CBT. If you live in the Los Angeles area I would be more than willing to refer you to my therapist. It is very expensive (therapy cost be $700/month when I first started), but I'm now only going once per month.

If you can not afford therapy I would suggest <i>The Mindfulness and Acceptance Workbook for Anxiety</i> by John Forsyth and Georg Eifert.