My Life with HH....


Hey to all. I am Lex. I am new to the forums so this is my first post. I am 28 and suffer from hyperhidrosis. I wanted to talk about how it impacts my life, and what i am doing about it. Hyperhidrosis can seem like a very lonely illness as i dont know anyone who sweats to anywhere near the level i do.

Ever since i was a toddler, i have sweated more than most. At school after playing football on dinner breaks my hair and clothes would be soaked with sweat, where as everyone else seemed to be dry as a bone. But it wasnt really till around the age of 18 when i would start to sweat in social situations. It started with my armpits. I remember my wardrobe been comprised of almost all dark blue, black and white clothing. I couldnt wear anything else, even to go to work. I was low on confidence in general but this really was crippling for me. I had some botox treatment that worked for around 4 months, then it came back. And treatment was unsuccessful the 2nd time round. I have had to come home from work on 2 occasions because of been embarrassed about my sweat patches, as well as countless nights out.

Over those last 10 years the HH has grown gradually worse. Part of this could be because i have put on a lot of weight. I became obsessed with weight training and saw it as an escape, a social outlet, and you cant be judged for sweating in a gym! :) Now my HH effects my arm pits, face, back and groin. Naturally i sweat when i get warm, but its the anxiety sweating that i really hate. Especially the face because in public i cant hide that. Anything can trigger it off. Even around close friends if i am put on the spot or on a night out i sweat. Which leads me to conclude its in my makeup to be a heavy sweater, but there are also psychological issues at work which are to do with anxiety.

I am sure anyone reading can relate to at least some of the above. So i wanted to share with you what i am doing to make living with HH easier. Firstly the basics. I use Driclor for my under arms, and with proper application it works a treat, but i do get a little more sweat elsewhere. I have also recently ordered some undershirts to give them a try. Hopefully then i can wear any clothing i like without fear of sweat patches showing. Aside from that i generally try not to wear too many layers. I have accepted i am more susceptible to heat and warmth than the average guy. So i will wear t-shirts and shorts as often as possible, to stay cooler. I havnt looked too much into treating the face but any ideas on that are more than welcome.

The final thing i am doing is seeing a therapist over issues of social anxiety. Of course knowing i am likely to sweat adds a huge amount of anxiety to begin with. But there are plenty of situations which arise where i am initially cool, relaxed, and sweat free, and a certain situation causes me to sweat. Just the other day i met 2 friends for a drink with my sister. After i arrived another guy joined us and we were all sat at around a table. I was fine, until 1 of my friends asked me to tell the other a joke i had told him the previous day. This was all it took. Talking in front of 4 people who were all starring at me caused me to sweat from my groin, legs, back and face. This is the type of social anxiety i am hoping to work on as i cannot fully enjoy life if i do not.


Well-known member
Hi Lex, welcome to the forum. I'm sure as you browse around you will find a lot of others like you. There is a lot of useful information on this forum that you can use. I think you are already on the right track by trying different solutions to see what works best.


Well-known member
Hi and welcome to the forum!

Perhaps secure wipes could be a solution for your face sweating. I think you can google it, or search the forum here.

Oral medications such as Robinul (antichlorogenic) can be a solution as well. I used antichlorogenics for a couple of years and while it did work good to hold back the sweating I didn't like the side-effects so I stopped using them. Could offer some relief for you in social situations though.

Iontophoresis is said to work for armpits and even facial sweating, but I haven't tried this myself. I am using ionto with success for my hands and feet though.


Well-known member
Hi Lex, and welcome to our sweating club. We have been told not to sweat the small stuff, heck, we sweat everything.


Well-known member
thanks for sharing your story Lex. Its sounds like its been hell having to deal with hh for those 28 years. You are right when you say its a lonely illness, only people who have it can understand how it consumes your life and how you soon become to avoid and dread any social situations.

If your hh is mainly triggered by anxiety it might be worth getting therapy or some sort of one on one help with that.


Hi Lex. I am 22 and when reading your story it sounds familiar to what I am experiencing. I am generally more sweaty than others and I try to control my sweating with topical treatments such as Driclor for underarms, back and Odaban for my face.

I went to the doctors last week because I suffer from anxiety, when I get anxious I start to shake, heart races, dry mouth and excessive sweating starts. My doctor gave me a list of treatments she could help me with; one being beta-blockers. I decided to take a prescription of Propranolol 40mg tablets that I can take up to 3 times daily. Propranolol basically slows your heart down, reduces adrenalin output and basically stops the flight or fright response us humans get.

So far this has really helped boost my confidence, I sweat far less now and have not had a full sweat out due to my anxiety. In fact I went to a job interview a few days ago, I was very worried that my anxiety would cause me to sweat loads during the interview and in fact I was absolutely fine even though it was very warm in the room.

Hope this kinda helps

I use a drug called AVERT. I get it from a Canadian pharmacy. It's fairly cheap and effective. It does have side effects however. Dry mouth being the worst one for me. It lasts pretty much all day which is nice!