Name Five Living Public Figures That Inspire You


Well-known member
hmmmm :) Inspires me eh now lets see :confused: funny as it may seem but i cant really think of anyone :confused: i think just your normal person on the street who lives a hard life and just gets on with life impresses me ,Public Figures naaa not really , i see this old lady sometimes on the way to work , shes bent over cant walk properly , shes on this metal frame , just taking one step at a time , slow real slow , she must be about 80 , but shes 8 times out of ten always there , with her frame taking 1 step at a time , slow :) dunno were shes going , but were ever it it shes determined to get there , in some people the human spirit cant be crushed , prob been through the war and all that ect ... god i love that old lady whoever she is .......


Well-known member
I don't know about five, but Arnold Schwarzenegger inspires the hell out of me. Anybody that can make it to the top of three extremely hard mountains (bodybuilding, film, politics) in one lifetime is a one in six billion. It just goes to show that dedication, discipline and hard work can get you anywhere you'd want to go in this life.


Thank you for your replies, there seems to be a shortage of inspirational people out there (in the public spotlight).

I would like to share the people I thought to be most inspirational when I was growing up.

Martin Luther King Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy
Bob Dylan
Rosa Parks
Jim Morrison

To Moksha,
Perhaps you misinterpreted the question. Name 5 people that inspire you.
I don't think ants and trees qualify. But whatever floats your boat.


Well-known member
Jason Becker
Dave Mustaine
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Itzhak Perlman

That's all I can think of right now. I wonder why I didn't name any other politicians....

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Well-known member
- Lou Ferrigno
- Vernon L. Smith
- Ozzy Osbourne
- Some people on this board have actually inspired me
- Gabriel Knight (yes, he's not real)


Well-known member
1. Bruce Springsteen - I love the way he sings about people who have nothing to their name who end up living in happiness knowing that they've got each other andthat's all that matters to them and that they don't have to worry about what other people think of them.

2. My counsellor - she's the best.

3. Anybody who sticks up for someone who is being mistreated.

4. Neil Warnock - for instilling a never-say-die attitude into me in my quest to recover.

5. Shaun Derry - has taught me to take no bollocks from anyone.


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Karl Pilkington
Tupac Shakur (I know he's dead but I have to include him)
Joe Budden
Valentino Rossi

Can't think of any others! And yes I know it's a very strange list lol


Well-known member
1. Gautama Buddha, everyone should read about what he said, truely beautiful..
2. Mahatma Gandhi, such an inspirational journey.
3. Isaac Brock, his lyrics have helped me get through some really hard times.
4. Timothy Leary, tune in, turn on, drop out.
5. Michael Larsen, R.I.P.
Jesus- My Lord and Savior.
Ellen- I wish I had her personality. Amazingly funny, charming, likable, and outgoing.

Can't think of any more :/