Name your fears


Why not put it out there to compare and to discuss specfic fears in their individual thoughts. My main ones:

"I have nothing to say. I'll just say something obvious and weird. It's better to say anything than nothing. Not saying anything for a prolonged amount of time is social suicide. If they don't like me for that, then they are shallow and insensitive because they can't read the pain in me, how hard it is for me to communicate".

"They think that I am stupid because they base their judgement of me on what I say. It's okay if they think that I am stupid. Except that I won't be liked, I won't receive their phone calls, be invited to their parties, but at least I won't be silent. Perhaps if I say dumb shit enough times then my it will somehow get easier and I'll be able to talk about intelligent things"

Other ones that you have....?



Well-known member
wasps/bees/other stinging bugs & creepy looking bugs
stairs without rails and/or with spaces between the steps
life, in general



Being judged, I'd have to say that's a big one for me too.
And for some reason I'm not very fond of spiders.


Well-known member
I'm scared of people thinking negatively of me, even though I keep telling myself I don't care what they think. :x


Well-known member
Rejection, people thinking negatively about me, judgement, having this FUCKING sp inhibit me for the rest of my life, not having at least some of my dreams realised - well the realistic ones - i don't hold much hope of one day living in a beautiful castle in the sky.


Well-known member
My fears....hmm

Being alone

Getting lost

Getting lost on my own

Feeling like an alien on my own planet

People with attitude

Spiders (yeah ok so what :lol: )

Ade :D


Well-known member
On a typical school day mine used to be:

'How good are today's teachers at controlling a class? How likely are they to get angry with someone? How likely are they to express their anger at no specific person, so that I'll also worry about what they think of me?'

Or on the dreaded Assembly day:

'How lively is everyone today? How can I get a place at the side of the hall where at least one teacher can see me and know that I, at least, am being good? Is there some way I can get out of it altogether without anyone guessing why?[Ha! That I ever believed anyone would guess at such a bizarre fear! :roll:] How can everyone else find it boring? I wish I could find it boring.'

As you can see, my social phobia strayed some way from the conventional in that I feared any authority's anger at anyone, as well as at myself. I would feel my face burning more painfully when a class was yelled at than when I personally was laughed at. And this is the part of the phobia that I fear is coming back, as I'm not being exposed to that sort of thing half as much in the sixth form. The new connections in my brain associated with it will never be as strong as the older, phobic ones, so they won't be the ones called upon anymore if they aren't kept active. I'd call it phobophobia, if it weren't supremely rational of me not to want to go through that again...


Well-known member
My biggest fear is that i always stay like this. That i'll never have friends, never get a boyfriend, never be able to have a job, not being able to finnish my study. Im affraid that i'll always feel as lonely as i feel now.


Well-known member
I'm afraid of fears.
That's what I meant by phobophobia.
I don't think I have it though (yet). I'm just preoccupied with phobias right now because they're a real risk. It's not excessive to be a little concerned about it. Can see how someone would become phobic of the idea though, when the thought keeps bothering you.


Well-known member
We all love you McShy!.

I fear being laughed at behind my back. You know, that even the people who are nice to my face may be laughing at me when I'm not around.

Cassie, I used to be heaps scared of the dark as well but I made myself slowly overcome it.


Well-known member
Here's some of my early morning incoherent rambling.

I'm equally afraid of failure and success. So I dont really change. Yet, with each day, my fear of not changing grows.

So somethings gonna give really soon... but i'm afraid it wont

Fear.... sure is something else, huh?
