Need some new TV shows to watch...


Well-known member
Anyone know any amusing TV shows to download, I know you USA folk get to see most of them first, so you guys probably know heaps of good ones I havnt heard of.

Im talking about things like Simpsons, American dad, family guy, modern family, Big bang theory etc etc etc.

I recently watched "Bob's Burgers" - I rekon that is going to be one of the funniest/popular tv shows.. Only looks like there is 2 episodes atm. Highly recommend it though if your into the stuff I mentioned above

Thanks =)


Well-known member
Anything Star Trek accept Enterprise which sucks.
Mad Men.
The first and ONLY the first season of 24.
If you are into corny stuff, then Dallas, Greys Anatomy, and Beverly Hills 90210.
True Blood.


Well-known member
I absolutely LOVE the Supernatural series. Great show to download if you're into ghosts, demons, vampires legends, myths, biblical references, etc.


not actually Fiona Apple
NBC comedies - 30 rock, The Office (us version), Community, Parks and Recreation, and Outsourced are all hits by me.
And then Heroes is a good show too, especially season 1.


Well-known member
thanks peoples :) Got a few things to add to the list now.

And yeah Vj, totaly agree about the 4 you mentioned, been big fans (specialy the office) for a while. Hopefully they make a season 2 of outsourced.

*edit* oh yay theres a new ep of outsourced out on eztv =) thought the season was finished.


Active member
Two and a half men
How i met your mother
True Blood

And so on...
These are basically my favorites atm :)


Active member
Vinny is still my favorite person in the house.
Sam is plain irritating tho, i hope she leaves soon.
And Snooki should be slapped for ruining her perfect BMW with that cheap crap she put over the seats and steering wheel. :mad:


Well-known member
hehe i hate to say it... but i also watch jersey shore. Waiting for season 3
i also watch *cough cough* jerseylicious.


*edit* just scrolled up and saw you guys mentioned season 3 is out... off to the torrent sites i go !!
ooo 4 new eps.. im in jersey shore heaven =)

*edit x 2* ohh ice pilots season 2 is also out.

Sucks that you american folk get to just turn on the TV and see all this.. rest of us have to wait till some kind person uploads it.

The Big Bang Theory - jokes FOR nerds, not AT nerds.
Jersey Shore - just pure ridiculousness :D
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hehe i hate to say it... but i also watch jersey shore. Waiting for season 3
i also watch *cough cough* jerseylicious.


Sucks that you american folk get to just turn on the TV and see all this.. rest of us have to wait till some kind person uploads it.

You just blew my mind. I can't believe people from other countries watch Jersey Shore!! God, I just hope people don't really think Americans are like that!


Well-known member
is jersey shore still on thursday nights on TV ?
Counting down the hours till ep 5 is on the torrent sites =)

I love fridays.. All the cool shows are ready and waiting for me to download.


Well-known member
"Weeds" is an awesome show! So is Dexter and Sopranos. Modern Family is really funny

Realy enjoyed weeds, the ending was pretty cool - very surprising.

Used to love Sopranos aswell, But I think the final episode was one of the worst in history.....the last few minutes was building upto something realy dramatic and then they kind of left what happened to your imagination. Even the noise of a gunshot or something would of been good.
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Realy enjoyed weeds, the ending was pretty cool - very surprising.

Used to love Sopranos aswell, But I think the final episode was one of the worst in history.....the last few minutes was building upto something realy dramatic and then they kind of left what happened to your imagination. Even the noise of a gunshot or something would of been good.

Oh, I completely agree with you about the finale! It was an incredibly disappointing end to an otherwise amazing show.:eek:


Well-known member
bloody Sammi, she is ruining my jersey shore watching experience !
I was so excited when she was packing her bags :(