Needing help asap


So I'm new and just posted on here a few days ago about my condition. I am housebound and haven't left my house in over 5 months. I can't even get around my block without rushing back home. I've been having bad pains for over a week now, in my stomach, sides and back.. I seriously need to get to the e.r. before this worsens, but can't find the courage to make it off my block. My fear has gotten so bad! Anyone have any tips.. suggestions as to what I can do, How I can? ::(: I can't find the courage and the scare of this is making my anxiety level 100xs worse. I'm unable to sleep from worrying so much...
Hi Mandy,

First I want to wish you a warm welcome. I'm sorry to hear about your condition, that's really a bad condition, It's called street fear. But I think you might have it as in agoraphobia style too, like that you are afraid of the open air? I mean, there are ppl with that phobia. Or is it just the people? I'm so sorry you are going through this, that must be a horror situation.

I will give you some advice, and I hope that it will help you get further.

And about people, I know you would be afraid of what people think, but street fear is extreme but still people should be taking care of how you feel, the fear you have is very undescribeable, but still there is a way out! And please find people who can comfort you and support you!

At first, you should sit and relax and think if you are really having something ''serious'' most people with panic attacks make them up, because when you're worried about that, you will feel it. Just when you think you are starting to have a headache or getting sick, you will get sick (some ppl really can affect themselves so much!) So, Mandy, please be strong and know that it might be just a weird feeling, bodies can be strange, I know! But still you should try to comfort yourself by the thought, It will go away and I will be more at ease and I'm not gonna help myself by thinking all these weird stuff....

About the E.R, you can always call them, just give them a call and they will come to you, tell them how much you are concerned and in how bad state you are, I mean, if you can't get out of the house you need serious help so maybe instead you should call some instants who have the specialty to help people with Agoraphobia/Street fear or Severe social anxiety. The best instants could stop by your house and talk with you inside the house and get things on order what you are going through and you will feel more at ease with a nice therapist, though some places you really should visit, but i'm sure,in your case, anybody would wanna help you (if their any good).

Your anxiety level must be extreme skyrocket high, so please know that it's your anxiety driving you insane, not your body, not dangers, just fears... I know, just fears are easy to say but still big monsters, but believe me, if you could calm yourself down more easily, you will get there really.
It's just hard to believe and hard to get, but when you get the cause of your fears and the root how you can calm down your system, things must work out again.

Though, I know you would say, but How? That's what everybody wonders, you must believe, that nothing worse will happen outside, the fear might be a ''feeling of the body and the mind'' but from heart you don't wanna be so fearful so your will , will get you out of this state.

Good luck, please keep us informed.
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Thank you for the reply. I've been having sharp stabbing pains in my stomach, both sides & back pain. I had my aunt call the hospital a few days ago to ask about my symptoms. They told me some over-the-counter meds to take & said if I'm still having pains then I need to come in. Here it is 2 days later and I'm still suffering. I really do think I have a medical condition going on. The anxiety just intensifies me being nausea, shaky and go into a down right spiral of emotions. The thought of driving down the road scares me & with it being a 30 minute drive.. I know the anxiety is going to be in full effect :/ and it's going to seem like an even longer drive. I know need to dig deep to give myself some courage. I've been working myself up to going for days now :/ Here where I live, I have been unable to find doctors who will come out to someone's home. Unfortunately. So I gotta force myself...somehow... Hopefully soon. Thanks for the welcome.


Well-known member

Is it at all possible for your aunt to contact the hospital and explain just how bad this anxiety is for you?. Maybe they could arrange someone from the hospital to come and pick you up. It CAN be done. Maybe they could give you a suppressant for the trip there to a least calm your nerves??

Second thought, and this is a little random.....but failing the above option, what about your aunt driving you, with you blindfolded, and wearing headphones??. I know i know, it sounds silly but im serious, maybe the lack of data input to your brain about whats going on would slow your anxiety down for you?.

Im just brainstorming here....but i thought id put these out there. Also, welcome to the forum :).


Well-known member
Just letting you know, Mandy-- I get very similar pains on a daily basis; it's common for people who have out of control anxiety/depression.
I get back pain from lying in bed for weeks and pain in my sides that lasts for days just from being so tense and high-strung.
So... you probably aren't dying- if that helps you feel any better.

I would suggest getting someone to come to the hospital with you just to get things checked out, though.
It is important to continue going to regular appointments or to have someone come to you when you're housebound. There are alot of dangers and health risks to staying indoors and being anxious constantly.

They always allow my mom to come into the emergency room with me if I mention that I am agoraphobic.
You could do the same if anyone gives you any trouble, I'm sure.

Are you currently talking with any therapists or trying out CBT?
Have you tried any therapy in the past few years?


For the past few days I've been taking saline laxative as directed by the doctor my aunt talked to. I'm still having bad pains in my tummy and back. "sigh" I guess whenever I feel threatened enough by it I'll force myself to go. I have klonopin that I may try to calm down my nerves. My aunt said she would go with me & talk to the doctors before they seen me to tell them about my agoraphobia and my needle fear. It feels so good to have someone finally here for me. It's a big relief. I'm praying this will pass and I won't have to go tho :/ Thank you all for the replies.


Well-known member
I think you should tell who's ever in your house to see if you can get to a therapist so they can help you, you ll need to see a therapist regularly. How did this start if you dont mind me asking?


I've seen some in the past. The last one I had to pay $238 on spot since I don't have insurance. He recommended that I not come back bc it's too costly to spend each visit. Right now I'm unable to leave my home to even see a doctor :/ I've researched and haven't been able to find one that does home visits. Do you know of any online therapist? That isn't expensive.. I've had anxiety since I was 13 off and on. Agoraphobia off and on. Before becoming housebound again 5 ,6 months ago.. I think my aunt dying from cancer triggered it. She only lived a block down the road from me and we became very close. Her house was basicly the only place I was able to travel from home that I felt safe at. The last few months of her life.. It finally hit me that she wasn't going to be around much longer and the thought of her leaving tore me all apart. Since then here I've been stuck. I beat myself up every day for not spending those last few months with her, for not going to her funeral to say goodbye :/ Being agoraphobic is causing me to miss out on so much!
I am in the same boat mandy, those pains you were speaking of could be caused by anxiety, I have them all the time, I suffer from the same condition as you do, its a horrible roller coaster, I have noticed cutting out caffeine as helped a little bit, but I have been house bound for almost 2 years.