New Here...


Well I've been surfing this site for a few weeks now and I've finally banished my laziness long enough to join. I have to say it is nice to know that there are other people out there like me, even in other countries. :D It's a pretty damn lonely exsitence to have SA, especially when your parents are pushing you to get your first job...but I'll go into all that later if anyone's willing to listen. I'm just hoping to make some friends here. That'd be a nice change of pace for me. :)


Well-known member
hi there! welcome to the site. i remember getting my first job, don't work in food business! but other than that, good luck and don't stress out! :)


Well-known member
Howdy Introverted and welcome, i'm pretty much still a newbie myself. Tell your story man i'll listen/read - i'm sure others will too.


Well-known member
Hey there Introverted. Welcome :D

This place has been a good way to dump my feelings into the open. It's good to let it all out even if you don't get any replies.

Try not to get pushed into getting your job. Unless you are ready it could a very bad experience and make it much harderfor you in future.

Edit: Typo :/


Well-known member
i think its always good to see new people. you will find all the support you need. these people are very clever and know what there talking about. and they are always here. we all know how hard and lonely it is to live with sp hang in there.