new surveys


Staff member
hi, this topic will serve so that you can suggest surveys, to put these on the left of this website.
To suggest a survey write a question and provide all their possible answers.
Thank you for your collaboration.


Well-known member
Biological family members and SP. Idea for survey.

Do you have immediate biological family members who also have SP, such as parents, brothers/sisters, or cousins?
1) Yes
2) No
3) Not sure.


Well-known member
Survey for relationship between SP and history of abuse.

If you have SP, were you abused as a child?
1) physically only
2) mentally only
3) sexually only
4) physically and mentally
5) physcially and sexually
6) mentallly and sexually
7) all of the above
8 never abused
9) not sure


Well-known member
surver about SP and low self-esteem.

A question for people with SP.
Do you have a low self-esteem?
1) yes,
2) no,
3) not sure


Well-known member
Survey about the start of SP.

How old were you when you started having SP?
1) under 5 years old
2) 5-10 years old
3) 10-12 years old
4) 13-17 years old
5) 18-21 years old
6) 21-more years old
7) not sure


Well-known member
Overcoming SP survey

Do you think that people can overcome SP?
1) yes,
2) no,
3) some lucky ones,
4) not sure


Well-known member
Re: Biological family members and SP. Idea for survey.

I would say no. My sister definitely feels anxiety (we're from a dysfunctional family that involved abuse phys/mentally), and she does have some degree of social anxiety, but she is confident more or less in herself and she has positive self-esteem. She has trust issues with people and she has other issues such as control issues.

But does her reactions to situations mirror mine? No.

MarCPatt said:
Do you have immediate biological family members who also have SP, such as parents, brothers/sisters, or cousins?
1) Yes
2) No
3) Not sure.


Well-known member
Re: Survey for relationship between SP and history of abuse.

option 4

MarCPatt said:
If you have SP, were you abused as a child?
1) physically only
2) mentally only
3) sexually only
4) physically and mentally
5) physcially and sexually
6) mentallly and sexually
7) all of the above
8 never abused
9) not sure


Well-known member
Re: Overcoming SP survey

luck has nothing to do with success in my opinion.

The road of recovery that I'm on has nothing to do with luck. It has to do with hard work and being in constant pursuit of an answer and recovery. I'm not lucky, I'm persistent and I just want to be happy. I'm not recovered, I'm slowly recovering and learning things all over again.

My logic is this: You only live once and I have proved to myself that I CAN BE HAPPY, and when I do feel happy, I FEEL ON TOP OF THE WORLD. I have been so humbled by this anxiety that when I do feel happy, I don't get aggressive, if I see someone studdering and nervous, I try to make them feel as comfortable as possible. and when I see people depressed or down I have such empathy for them and i want to lift them up, i want to show them how I did it. This SP has been a wonderful life lesson, and I'm glad to have it because I have been brought down to Earth because of it. And when you go through such depression and to the depths where you actually consider suicide, which I have in the past, when you finally reach happiness and growth LIFE BECOMES BEAUTIFUL. You feel so good inside, like God Itself has touched you. You feel like God is in you and when you feel like that, it gets even better!

You know even when I see what I just wrote, it's surprising to hear these words from me because I was so negative before and every thought that I would conjure up had some sort of negative feel to it. And I can STILL choose to be negative if I want, I have plenty of practice. And still, negative thoughts sometimes cloud my mind and it's hard for me to clear myself out of the jungle per say, but the point is that you have to keep trying.

But yes, I truly believe that EACH and every person that has ever felt SP can make some sort of recovery
My option is 1.

MarCPatt said:
Do you think that people can overcome SP?
1) yes,
2) no,
3) some lucky ones,
4) not sure


Well-known member
How many sexual partners survey.

How many sexual partners have you had?
1) 0
5) more than 50
6) I lost count.


Well-known member

How about this question?

What do you think is more effective way to get rid of Social Phobia?
a) Going to therapy
b) Taking medicine
c) Going to therapy and taking medicine
d) Taking care of it myself


Well-known member
sexual orientation and SP

What is your sexual orientation?
a) Homosexual
b) Heterosexual
c) Bisexual
d) not sure


Well-known member
hmmmmm, my "closed" mind has me wondering WHY MarCPatt is so interested in these surveys... :? did anoyone happen to notcie if she posted why she was interested? Are the answers posters supply going to give her insight to her own condition(s)..... or maybe someone else's? What's up with the surveys? :?:


Well-known member

Did you grow-up feeling loved?
4) I do not know if I was loved
5) I do not know what love is

I just wonder how others felt growing up. I never felt loved. It aided my development of SP. :cry:


Well-known member
problems breathing

Do you feel you can not get all the oxygen you need when around others
1) yes
2) sometimes
3) never

My answer is yes, and I found what I can do from:

Healthy Breathing by Rosalba Courtney-Belford
... Healthy, strong people breathe less at rest and during sleep, but they can breathe ... Stress, anxiety and emotions all stimulate our breathing rate and heart rate ...

This site states that:

a) "Most people whose body, mind, or spirit is out of balance will hyperventilate or overbreathe with lots of short breaths that leave them depleted of CO2 and therefore not utilising oxygen properly. Good breathing, according to the standards of medical texts and the World Health Organisation is about four to six litres of air per minute."

b) "The better you breathe, the less breaths per minute you need to take."

c) "12 breathes per minute would be the upper limit of what you should be breathing. Less than that is better."