no availability


Well-known member
please do not tell me that there are single women out there, there isn't.. they have it easy when it comes to finding the right guy.. there is so many single guys, but no single chicks... so fuck it..


Well-known member
Even if I tried to go out and meet people I couldn't because my anxiety is too strong to even talk to a stranger!


Well-known member
Logically of course there are plenty of single women out there and many of them do find it hard to meet people too.

Still....they do seem to be hard to locate. I think one thing, SPEAKING GENERALLY is that women do seem to have a higher turn around. In otherwards when a woman finds herself single it is easier (RELATIVELY SPEAKING) to meet someone else.

aNYWAY, dang caps lock.... what kind of women do you look for Lifer. Do you think maybe you are pricing yourself out of the market as it were? Maybe aiming too high? etc etc.


Well-known member
grumblina said:
Women are generally not interested in men who:

Find no joy in life
Lack objectivity
Display extreme bitterness
Are not in touch with themselves
Lack the motivation to improve their situation
Complain but don't try to change anything

So true - it took me years to figure that out. Then even more years to do anything about it. Good advice. Absolutely :) .


Well-known member
Yeah but there's women like that too.

No relationship will ever work out if one person has to be someone they are not. Well probably, I'm not omniscient (God bless


Well-known member
Hmmmm. Move to Ottawa the odds are in favor of males 12:1 :D :D :D :D :D :D

Enough with the frivolity. Take steps towards getting yourself used to being with other people and eventually you'll be comfortable enough with yourself to slide into a relationship with a woman whom you have already met.

Hubby and I got to know each other while washing ashtrays at the local 12 step meeting. I had volunteered for that job because it was in the kitchen and away from other people. ;-) We scrubbed ashtrays for month before we spoke then after that the conversation was minimal and halting till a year went by and he asked to meet me if I would like to go for coffee before the next meeting. By that time I only thought of him as a kitchen guy and was comfortable with him so I went (20 minutes). If things hadn't gone slow in the begining, I can assure you, it would never have lasted, I would have run like a rabbit. What I am saying is that relationships are not like television, they take TIME. Be patient. Find something that interests YOU, do it, then more then likely there will be a woman who has a similar interest and that will be a start.

Take Care,



Well-known member
Yup Ottawa. When I lived there 20 years ago those were the odds and I hear they have not changed. Apparently the imbalance is due to the govt precence requiring traditionally female ie: secretary. However, because of the govt there are also a greater preportion of female professionals then one would expect for a city.



Well-known member
lifesnotfair said:
the thing is nothing makes me happy.. nothing emotionally affects me except anger and hatred

Are you on meds, Life? I'm curious, because your description sounds like it could be serious, long-term major depression (I'll understand if you say "well, DUH!" here ;) ) that's not being treated... alternatively, it also reminds me a bit of how I felt when i was on too large of a dose of meds for too long (for me).... sort of detached from everything, with only a few of the strongest emotions being able to get any sort of emotional response from me.

Just a thought... I know it sounds asinine, "maybe you should take meds, or maybe you should change/stop meds" ... sorta like "maybe I should stay and maybe I should go" ;) :p but maybe you'll see what I mean.

Don't give up though, seriously. I think many of us have spent some serious 'unquality time' in precisely the state you're in. It, too, shall pass.


Well-known member
I think many of us have spent some serious 'unquality time' in precisely the state you're in. It, too, shall pass.

I don't know why people will say it will pass, it has yet to pass for me, in fact, it just keeps getting worse.