Obsessed (TV show)

Have any of you guys watched Obsessed? It's a new tv program, I've started watching it on thee interweb, it's on an American tv channel, I think it's A&E tv? The few episodes that have been on so far have been about OCD, the description says..."Intense and highly personal, A&E's true-life docuseries Obsessed examines the lives of everyday people imprisoned by unmanageable, repetitive behaviors and sometimes debilitating fear. Whether it is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, General Anxiety Disorder, Hoarding or a variety of phobias". The website is Obsessed - A&E TV. Anyway, I just thought I'd post it cos it's good that this kind of thing is on tv, that this kind of thing can help other people be aware of anxiety disorders. It's cool that they're doing OCD, I hope they do the other ones that they've mentioned, it'd be great to see one on social phobia.
Anyways, just thought I'd mention it guys! Checkity check it out


Well-known member
Iv seen advertisments for it here I think...just havent managed to be watching tv when it has been on i guess.


Active member
Yeah, I saw a couple of episode of obsessed. It was pretty interesting. I feel like a loser because the people seem to be cured with a few major exposures. I have been battling anxiety for years with meds/therapy and have made minimal improvement.