Obsession with symmetry


I like to have everything lined up perfectly...I'll constantly stop what I'm doing to make sure things are symmetrical. What's my issue here?


Well-known member
I like to have everything lined up perfectly...I'll constantly stop what I'm doing to make sure things are symmetrical. What's my issue here?

It's defined as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). I used to have this problem hardcore but now it isn't as bad, but I do still have it. There are different forms of OCD, I have the counting-symmetry kind, other people have hand-washing OCD, or there are other kinds that you could find on the web if you looked around. OCD is anxiety and is an anxiety disorder if it becomes enough of a problem. My OCD is a small problem I guess, it doesn't effect me nearly as much as my Social Anxiety does, though.