Obsessive Thinking Disorder


New member
Hey, I'm Frankie. I'm a chick. I'm rad.

I have never been to a Therapist to diagnose my OCD behavior, because I know I have it, and I am quite scared of pills as a good amount of my friends accidentally killed themselves with too many Cocktails (mixture of pills). I have felt like I can work through it.

OCD has never really been a problem. In fact, I liked it. I liked having everything perfectly orderly, I liked counting things, I liked carrying around soap! Yes, you would look at me and say, " That Frankie is quite particular" but it is me, and I accepted it.

My boyfriend (bless his sweet ass) brought to my attention, that I think and dwell on situations too much.

Like for real. I ask him 30,000 times a day about this and that, and he gets frustrated that I get frustrated that he doesn't say the right thing, and repeat myself.

I told him a while ago that I was OCD when he came to my house for the first time. He responded with "Need any Hand Sanitizer"..I knew I loved him that day, because really, I was out.....hahahaha. Seriously.

But now that he REALLY see's that although everything is clean and orderly and it may seem as though I do cute 'tics' every so-so, he is realizing that there are things that annoy him.

He suffers from Anxiety, and Panic Attacks. Yesterday, I asked him like 12 times if he still loved me. I wasn't insecure...well, maybe, but I just didn't get the re-assurance I needed. The mental stability. The SAME reason I left the rest of the poor boys that came in this kitten's way.

He told me I need to get help (in more sincere words) and I rejected him for saying that. I felt hurt by him placing a dysfunctional disorder on me.

Today, I really started thinking about things, and maybe I do need help. So thats why I am here. I'm counting on you guys to possibly guide me in the right direction and help me get through this.

Any advice for someone who is now ready to cope?
