OCD blaghhh


Well-known member
Hi there!
It's been a while, I stopped visiting this site a while ago to lessen the severity of my OCD *which it did*

BUT! That's not the point of this thread, I actually have a question! ::eek::

With OCD, does it ever challenge your thoughts?

Harm OCD example:

An intrusive thought of stabbing someone pops up, immediately after you tell yourself you would NEVER stab someone because you know its wrong, and sick and etc. etc. etc.

But another intrusive thought interferes and says "Or would you enjoy stabbing someone?"

For me it's really bad right now with transgenderism(<- word?) I'm gay, but the intrusive "are you transgender?" thoughts are awful, not that i have anything against transgendered people.. But anyway i get into the cycle of telling myself I'm not transgendered, I know I'm not and have no desire to be a woman, but it challenges me and really makes me anxious and its really annoying

Thoughts, comments, recommendations on how to get over the challenging thoughts?


Well-known member
Yeah, I've often found myself pacing around my room telling myself "oh come on, I'm not a murderer, that's ridiculous." Only to have my mind fire back "Yes! You're going to kill someone!"

It usually happens when I'm by myself (which is a lot these days) but when I actually am around people, I think that way much less.


Well-known member
Yeah, the example you gave is classic OCD.

How about this one. You said you are gay, and as I am suffering from HOCD, it just went like this:

"Well he's gay and has OCD, you have OCD so you must be gay"
