OCD gets worse when im tired


Well-known member
SleepingBeauty said:
Cause at night I have a ritual. Not really an OCD one. But I always make sure I lock everything and make sure the stove is off and the oven...I check that because I have left it on before cause im a dumbass. So when im tired and im checking everything I have to do it over and over and over again. And I notice the little things a lot more.
For example... I just closed my blinds and kinda moved my hand across them. I walked away but then realized I didnt like how that felt, so i freakin went back and touched them with the other side of my hand! Thats not something I usually do.

So anywhoo, does yours get worse when your super tired???
yeah i have an odd ritual before i got to bed i cant sleep if there is a light on inside ouutside below or anywhere near my room so i have to turn all them off but when i know im going to bed and i turn off a light i have to take a piss my family find it hilarious becaus i run out of juice pretty quick and have to stay there till i go,yeah usually when im at my most tired or when im really frustrated or something its worse lsometimesin the morning when i arrive a twork if i lock my car door using the remote on the key ill walk away and think that didnt work well or it wasnt right ,im not sure what it is that makes me do it but sometimes i have done it for 5 -10mins at a time,walking back and forth locking and unlocking checking to see if i locked it the last time i do that thing with my hand as well if i touch something with my right hand ill have to do it with my left to balance it out or if im tryting to sleep and im lying on one side with my head to one side ill have to be lye in the exact same position on the opposite side for the same amount of time
well the list is endless but yeah it dose seem worse when im at my most tired or wound up lol


Well-known member
I am the opposite. My OCD and anxiety improve when I'm tired. At that point I'm getting too tired to give a crap about checking things. By delaying the rituals, you forget eventually what you were going to check in the first place. Don't get stuck in a rut. Change your routine and put off doing any rituals until you forget about them or lose interest.


New member
I think it gets worse when im tired too because then i tell myself that i forgot to do something because i'm so tired and that if i dont get up to make sure the stove is off/door is locked and everyone dies then it's all my "fault" all because i was too tired to double check what i already spent 10-15 minutes checking. So it all starts over again. And then i try to sit there and say' look, dont do it, just fall asleep....but then i think that the one time i dont go do it is the one time the stove will be on and the poisonus gas will kill me and i'll never wake up. it's pathetic.


Well-known member
Me too. My OCD seems to revolve around things I really don't want to do/think about, and when I'm tired and I just want to relax, the ocd goes into overdrive making me do things I don't feel like doing.
Also probably because my mind just wants to shut down after a long day, so it allows more room for the ocd to come flooding in and take over my thoughts.


When I'm tired my OCD comes out much worse. I had to sit and write about how a half spilled bag of pretzels was symbolic of my life, and something about a telephone poll, the worst is that I know this is such wasteful time but I think I have special creative energy when I'm tired and must.


Well-known member
Emotional and Physcial Triggers

The program that I go to has taught me that the following can be emotional triggers:

* Hunger,
* Anger,
* Lonely,
* Tired.


Self care involves treating this underlying issues: snack, talk about it, calling some one or getting out, having a nap.

The other major trigger for me is boredom.

Thanks for sharing your post with us.

Take care. Be well.