One Good Thing!


Well-known member
I'm a little fed up with hearing such pessamistic stories lately, I need some cheer. Has anyone had a good thing happen to them lately, anything at all, no matter how small. Come let us all know.


Well-known member
Prozac! :D
I only started taking it a few days ago, so I'm still getting side effects. I feel like the itchiest person alive. But I'm also having the most vivid and bizarre dreams. They're so cool.


Well-known member
lol... crime... that reminded me of when I tried to quit smoking... right before I went to sleep I would put on a nicotine patch. I would have the most intense, bizzare, and vivid dreams also 8O


Well-known member
Not only SLAYER, but MASTODON was there too :D

nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah :p lol

I saw Slayer in '95 and they kinds stank (Tom's 'voice' was shot.... he was whispering the lyrics......"psst, hell awaits, pass it on")... this time was KILLER. Though my 31-year-old ass can't really handle going out to thrash metal shows and having beer until midnight on a Monday with work in the morning... but hey, it was a rather SA-free evening (went with some old pals, you know, the ones I never see anymore LOL).

And what a set!! More old stuff than they've played in a while... "Fight Til Death," "Necrophiliac", "Die by the Sword", "War Ensemble".... and of course the triple encore of "Angel of Death," "Post-Mortem" and "Raining Blood"!!!! They opened with a song I often relate well too-- "God Hates Us All." :twisted:

The bands were introduced by this freako names Lizard Man-- sharpened teeth, many piercings, facial and body tatoos of green scales... he stuck a power drill up his nose and had a guy throw darts into his chest. (Hey, this was the Jagermeister Music Tour, after all!!)

I even recognized and talked to a guy I remember from high school (one of the cool people) who I haven't laid eyes on in in literally 12 years. He recognized me too, even though I look quite a bit different.

Somehow being surrounded by 2000 drunken metalheads bothers me less than trying to be social at work. :?: :!: :?:

What scared me was the show program... it had to EXPLAIN to the kids why "this album from 1986" ("Reign in Blood") was so classic...


Well-known member
i've just met the man of my dreams!! i've spoken to him and was so absorbed by him that i didn't have the time to get anxious, my next goal is to ask him out which i will have to do as i can't get him out of my head! i feel like a teenager, i.m 25!


Well-known member
I'm happy for ya loucat, I hope it all goes wel, Go get him tigrrrrrr!!

I'm happy, I got new swords andI learned a new rift on my drums. Oh and I have rhubarb crumble all to myself....hmmmmm...Today is indeed a good day!