

Well-known member
hey! im new to this site! ... its so good to finally realise im not the only one with these thoughts and problems. anyway.
a little while ago i told my parents about how i feel and how hard it is for me and everything. at first they were like "just cut it out, stop being so silly" then a couple of days later they came up to me and told me they were thinking about sending me to a drama class/school... 8O :!:
i dont know about the rest of you..but just thinking about being in a place surrounded by really out-going people and having to "act" or "dance" or whatever else you have to do in drama classes, scares me to death!!! it would make me so much more worse then how i am now...if that makes sense... now i just dont let them know when i'm feeling awkward or uncomfortable...which is almost all the time. so i guess they've just forgotten about my little 'problem'. i just guess ill have to do this the hard way and try to teach myself out of my way of thinking. which would probly be impossible...so i could always just live with this... :roll:

im not sure why im posting this either..i feel like a moron.


Well-known member
Perhaps you should show one of them this site or something similar, literature maybe, whatever, so that they appreciate what this problem is all about.


Well-known member
Hey despise! You are not a moron. I wouldn't dance in public, much less take a drama class! I can't even play those stupid games where you have to act out a card you pick up. or charades! No way, man, won't ever get me up playing a game like that. Singing out loud, no way (maybe in front of my cat) :) In church, when I was younger, I was forced to sing in the choir. Had to sit in the front of the church, but I mouthed the words, not very well either. I don't think being pressured to do things we feel uncomfotable, or panicky doing is beneficial. I feel the same way you do.


HI despite!
Obviosly your parets dont´t know what is all this about, they must think you are just very shy, unfortunaly this is more complicate than that.

By the way, I know a gay from other SF forum who was an actor and he was allright at the stage but not in his real life. It´s crazy,isn´t it? but it´s all true!
You see...this is so complicate!


Active member
Hi despise, you could show them some information on it, but acting/drama classes might help you. Jim Carey was a real quiet kid at school and now look at him! Plus you might like acting because you get to be somebody else for awhile, maybe someone without sa? :D Anyway good luck whichever way you decide to go.


Well-known member
thanks for replying everyone :)
i have actually shown my mum a site with information about social phobias...then she started saying that i was just reading the info and "imagining" i had problems...
my sisters always yelling at me and telling me to stop being so "self centered" and "selfish" because i always worry about what other people think...its not my fault..hell if i had a choice i wouldnt give a stuff about other people..but thats just how i am.


Well-known member
caring about other people doesnt sound like a bad thing..not doing things that you want to do because youre worried what they think isnt cool though..you dont need your parents to understand in order for it to be real..fuck what they think what difference does it make they dont have to live your life all day everyday do they? being a nice person isnt wrong.