Please help, I'm desperate. Have been contemplating suicide


Well-known member
I am starting to have second thoughts about being able to ask her to homecoming, or even just try and slowly ease in

Then the best strategy is to set a lower objective. You might not be able to ask her out or to this homecoming thing (I'm not american, but I have a rough idea of what it is), but wouldn't it be nice to have lunch with her sometime? It's much easier to achieve, and might (or might not) lead to further improvements in your quality of life.

Give it a try, and good luck with it.


Well-known member
Another problem. As I said earlier, there are a number of people that think I'm gay. Since I really dont have any friends, I would have to sit with her and her friends at lunch. Now, what do you think the people who suspect I'm gay will do when they see me sittting at a table full of girls?


Well-known member
I dont have MSN or EOL (dont even know what EOL is)

All I've got is email.

Sacrament said:
Be envious ;)
Really, well I thought it would make them think even more that I am gay. There are a bunch of people in my school that really are gay and they are always hanging out with groups of girls.


Well-known member
You've got nothing to worry about if you're secure about your masculinity. Do you ACT gay? Do you have all those... Let's say "typical" mannerisms? Some people just find it hard to believe that not everyone is extremely social or the life of every party. They're called closed-minded people. Nevermind them and focus on what you want to do. Does it really matter what they think? THEY are the losers, not you.

Have you talked to that girl since you first made this thread?


Well-known member
Sacrament said:
Have you talked to that girl since you first made this thread?
Well, no. How can I? It's the weekend now. I dont think I act gay but it's really getting to me that a bunch of people think I am and I am starting to think I might act gay, and yet I dont think so! I know I am not gay, I like girls and not men. i dont know if I should be saying this, but when I was working with her, I kind of "lost it in my pants" a little. Now that there should be proof enough I'm not gay.

It also should be prove what a sad and isolated person I have been.


Well-known member
They just don't understand. Don't worry, it happens everywhere. They'll never know what it's like to have SA. Plus, you don't have to prove anything. Let them think what they want to think.

Hey, maybe that's one subject you can talk to her about. Ask her what she thinks and how she can help you. Listening to her advice will make her realize that her opinion matters to you.


Active member
Your thinking of asking this girl out thats great because shows that you are confronting your shyness whatever the result? and hey get this even if she say's no people will at least know your not gay :D win win situation.


Well-known member
endoflife said:
Warlock said:
First of all, whatever you do, do NOT *****. Things will get better (everybody told me that and I never believed them).

My advice is easier said than done, but it might help.

You need to understand that your thoughts are not reality based. If someone talks to you or says hi to you more than once, then you should make an effort to talk to them, and if that means thinking about exactly what you are going to say, writing it down and praticing it alone at home infront of a mirror, then do it. If you feel rejected, ignore it (I know you can't but don't stop interacting with the person). Don't stop talking to them until they clearly and verbally reject you to your face. This applies especially to girls who might be interested in you. Keep trying to make a conversation with them, and plan what you say if you have to.

Its easier to meet people if you put yourself into situations where you can meet people. From there people still might not talk to you, but eventully someone will ask you why you are so quiet, and then you can just tell them its difficult for you to talk to people.

Lastly, its not that easy to get a girlfriend. A girlfriend could make this better or worse or not affect them, depending on the girl.
I know that they are not reality based but it's like impossible for me to act on that.

Whenever we have to partner up in class and there is an odd number of people I am almost always the one to be left out. i think it is because nobody likes me.

And I have no idea what to say to people, if I am standing by someone or sit next to somebody in class (especially a girl) I try to avoid turning in their direction and I ignore them. I know this is bad and gives a bad impression but I dont know what else to do. And when I have to talk and I am very nervous my movements become shakey and my voice might crack and stutter.

I hate being like this, it's almost worse than being dead (sometimes I feel like it is worse)

Deja vu?
I went through exactly the same thing.


Well-known member
Well, today came and went. No real progress was made. Yes I finished the project with her and all, but I was to scared to really say anything else. I did manage to ask about an assignment but that really is nothing.

I dont know what to do.

Please help me :cry:


If I were you, I would just talk to her and don't worry so much about how she judges you. I'm sure you're a nice person and if she dislikes you for just talking to her, she probably isn't someone you should ask out anyways. Even if you ask her out and she says no, it's not the end of the world.
Also, don't think that nobody likes you, because it's not true. It's probably just that not a lot of people know you. I'm sure if you started up a conversation with another person in one of your classes or at lunch, they would be glad to talk to you. If someone started talking to you, would you hate them for it?

I know this is a lot easier said than done but you probably should start talking to her soon... because if you're like me you'll feel like crap at the end of the day when you havent made any progress