Please help me.... I don't want to go to a psychologist



Hi Sam

First thing is - there's nothing wrong. Second is - threre's nothing wrong with going to a psychologist. Third thing - you probably don't need to.

What do you think a psychologist is? He (she) is just a person who has clynical knowledge of the "psyche" - whatever the hell that is!

Look man, we all go through stages that we don't understand. And we think everyone else does - or at least thae WE should - because we are special or somefink like dat.

The reality is that we are all trying to make it in the world. To survive - to love and be loved and be happy and all that. And we will look to anywhere for the answers.

Cal me and I'll tell you all the answers.

Ahh - forget it - I'll give you the answers for free.

There are no answers. We all have to make it on our own - in our own way

My way? Love, peace and tolerance

Take care and enjoy your life



New member
Thank you very much for your replies, I'm glad people are actually concerned with the issues I am undergoing. Your advice has been very helpful and has significantly altered my view on this issue. Nickabcuk you made some valid points which I can really relate to. I feel that the negatives of my past experiences of public speaking have been dumped onto eachother and it is reconveyed when I am in that similiar situation. I have tried to neglect any negative thoughts before a speech, but to me it is like being told not to think... My subconcsiousness make me do it.