Positive Thinking ... it's overrated.


Well-known member
I'm sure everyone in here who has tried to overcome social anxiety, or at least tried to deal with it has heard about thinking positive esp. when your about to give a speech, etc.. Yes, positive thinking is much better then negative thinking, of course, but have you ever tried not thinking at all? The buddha's teach about this... and I have come to the conclusion that no thinking is far better then positive thinking, although it is difficult to do...


Well-known member
Hi MaGuS,

unless you are some kind of meditation guru, it's impossible to not think at all.

But if we don't think at all, how will we get on with our lives? How will we work to fufill our desires? How will we work to accomplish everything we want?

Meditation, however, is a great way to relax your body. I think yoga is great for that. My neighbour takes yoga lessons.


Well-known member
coolguy2005: How can you accomplish all that if your too busy thinking about it? .... BTW I didn't mean you don't think all day, I just meant replace the times your trying to think positively with no thinking.


Well-known member
Hi magus,

Obviously I cannot argue since I am not familiar with the teachings of buddha.

But I believe that filling your thoughts with positive thoughts will push the negative thought sout of your head. I don't see how 'no thoughts' can do this. I am not criticizing, I'm just stating what I feel. :)


Well-known member
Coolguy2005: You don't need to study Buddha's teachings for 10 years to understand this concept, so please argue all you want.
As you stated positive thinking is better then negative thinking because it replaces the negative, and I completely agree with you. It is very beneficial in that sense, although if your about to give a speech, or need to hit a home-run, no thinking is far better then positive thinking because there is no doubts and it's all pure performance. When that pitcher throws the ball if your busy telling yourself "I can hit a home-run, I can hit a home-run...," your probably going to miss because your not focused.


Well-known member
MaGus, well said

Nice drawing by the way. Is that an empire? :)

I encourage you to discuss the 'non thinking' concept further. I am interested in learning more.

I think it would be nice if you made a detailed post right here so everybody can see.

BTW, did you read a couple of budda books? If so, which ones. How did they shape your life?


Well-known member
Coolguy2005: Yes, I've some books on Buddha's teachings; he teaches divine truth, and I highly recommend you read at least one. I like all spiritual teachings though. I believe reading about Jesus's teachings on divine love are equally important, or any other spiritual master for that matter. You know spiritual wisdom is very powerful, and that's why they say a little divine wisdom can cure all ills.

BTW... The reason why you like the drawing is probably because it was drawn by Michelangelo :).


Well-known member
Been reading a book on Buddhism, one of the bests reads in a long time.
It's one of the first books of that kind that I've read, that considers human nature and is matter-of-fact about the way we are. I agree, sometimes it's best just to still your mind.


Well-known member
Hmm, less thinking,more doing, I like it. Speaking of doing, I should probably get back to finishing my assignment, I am just taking a little break and visiting my favourite place on the net. :)
magda74 said:
Been reading a book on Buddhism, one of the bests reads in a long time.
It's one of the first books of that kind that I've read, that considers human nature and is matter-of-fact about the way we are. I agree, sometimes it's best just to still your mind.

magda74, would you mind telling me the title of that book? i'm very interested in reading about buddhism. cheers


Well-known member
now your positive thinking has turned to negative thinking there cf. you need to listen to the DUCK! listen to the duck! :wink:


Well-known member
Skins - It's called 'awakening the buddha within' by Lama Surya Das. He's an american who went over to Tibet in the 60's I think and now has returned to the States to teach. He has a website as well. Good writer.


Active member
It's currently hard for me to keep a clear mind while meditating, but i find it interesting to note the thoughts that do come up before focusing once again on breathe. I do feel better after meditating, but unfortunately I can't currently find an area that has no interruptions from loud noise. Ear plugs also make me feel weird.


Well-known member
me too, haven't learned to quiet the mind. i'm working on it. i get the closest while listening to ambient music. if you figure out any tricks let us know.


Well-known member
MaGuS said:
I'm sure everyone in here who has tried to overcome social anxiety, or at least tried to deal with it has heard about thinking positive esp. when your about to give a speech, etc.. Yes, positive thinking is much better then negative thinking, of course, but have you ever tried not thinking at all? The buddha's teach about this... and I have come to the conclusion that no thinking is far better then positive thinking, although it is difficult to do...

I agree 100%. When I've been putting off a particularly stressful event, no amount of clever thinking around the worry will force me to go through with it. But the moment I let ALL my thoughts go and clear my mind, the wonderful result is: relaxation. And I end up going through with whatever was bothering me - I still stutter and make small mistakes, but its better than completely not achieving anything. :D


Well-known member
worrydoll said:
....i also noticed that i have a lot of positive emotions that i dont usually notice through all the stress..like enthusiasm..curiosity..joy (!!)....its a titbetan buddhist technique thats become very popular in CBT. worked for me. we went to the mall..bought shoes and lego..and the supermarket...i talked and everything...

I really like what you said about noticing your curiousity, I have nothing to say, I just really liked that (and have felt the same way). :D


Well-known member

I like the Zen technique. I am going to apply it. I haven't done anything yet but I already feel better.