possible learning dissability?


Well-known member
ok so when im reading things or listening to instructions my mind wonders and i miss everything. i cant control it. sometimes i have to read things many times and they still dont make sense, but the thing is i know deep down that i should be able to understand them becuase there not difficult or complicated. also when im writing, i second guess the spelling of words. words that are simple and i should know and i do actually. words like kitchen or morning, i know them but for some reason sometimes when i have to write them down and stuff i second guess them and it sometimes means i missspell them. so what do u guys think about that. i think it might be a learning dissability or something but i dont know anything about learning dissabilities to know what it might be. do any of you guys know what it might be/ or is it just me and im crazy?


Well-known member
You read my mind or something. I have the exact same troubles. It has nothing to do with intelligence and don't ever let this problem bring you down. You sound as though like me your imaginantions and disability to concentrate get in the way of performing tasks and following instructions. Never see yourself as disadvantaged because of this and make the most of whatever studies you might be doing or job. Use your ability to constantly be off in your thoughts as a way to constantly think motivationally and succeed. Its a secret only some of us SP's will know.


Well-known member
heheh I'm exactly the same, with the listening bit i kinda put it down to the fact that i'm on my own or at least in my head so much that it's the total norm for me. I'll often just nod my way through most convo's and grunt when they take a breath. Also as i'm, let's face quite strange, my imagination goes bonkers and i usually see something shiny or repeat a word they say in some odd scenario.....and by that time they're thinking why is he staring into space?

Similar thing happens with reading too.

And with the writing, thinking about something too much can make you make mistakes......kinda like the gut feeling, first choice for a multiple choice question is usually the right one. Especially if your obsessing about not making mistakes.


Well-known member
Theres no way anyone on his board can tell by you just asking and giving details. To determine if someone has a learning disability it take years of professional testing and observation. How old are you? I've needed a lot of extra help in elementary and JR high school because of a learning disability. This is not something you shouldn't think one more second of though. after basic education it has no effect on your life at all, I don't think certain ones effect you at all period, in my opinion them telling me there was something "wrong" with me was just a barrier they put in front of me and it shattered my confidence. There are more severe ones but by the sounds of it you're not even close to that(if you even have one).


Well-known member
I'll echo what everyone else is saying.. exact same situation with me. I've never gone through a single class in my entire life where i didn't miss something and had to ask the prof after class (because i'm too scared to raise my hand during).

Even now while i work, i catch myself drifting off every 10 min, throughout the whole day. I was thinking i had ADD or something. Maybe I do. But bottom line is, there are ways to work though it.

My trick with reading is. Read it aloud. It'll force you to hit every word on the page, unlike when you're skimming through.

side note: i just realised i got to 85 posts on this forum in the span of 1 month. That should show how easliy distracted i am...


Well-known member
It's strange to see that everytime someone makes a post about a special problem of his, it turns out that everyone else has it too. I have a bit harder time to learn myself. Why is it always that those you already has it bad gets it worse?