Post things you like but you wont admit to others.


Well-known member
Does it have to be music? I'd never admit that I like HIM or that I love to sing along to Girls Aloud whenever I'm alone.


Well-known member
No,it can be anything,btw I also like HIM its one of my favourite bands,I have told a couple people,mainly girls because they seem more understanding,to guys is all about hip hop and metal:rolleyes:,(which I like,but sometimes its just gets anoying).
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Well-known member
I like some songs by Katy Perry, for one.

And although I liked it before it became really popular, and I do admit liking it to others when asked, I am a fan of the Twilight books and movies. I'm just not real obsessed with it like a lot of other people are.


like Tadzio from the movie death in venice

but my friends would say i have pedophilia if i like him
but i mean he was already 14 or 15
and i'm just16 : ((


Well-known member
I still love Pokemon games. ::p: I'm still unsure whether I want to play the newer ones. But the old ones are so much fun (And I'm still dying to play SoulSilver or HeartGold). :D

Becoming a makeup artist. I've thought about this, not so much as a major career, but just as a side project. I've always wanted to get into makeup art and model photography (any model photography, not just fashion models). It's funny this is sort of an interest of mine because I don't really like wearing a lot of makeup, or even dressing up much for that matter. ::p: I'm pretty plain (and pretty much a tomboy), but I would love to work with this sort of thing with other people. I'm embracing my girly side. Shh, don't tell anyone. ;]
Professional wrestling. A few people (my family) know that about me, but in general, I don't tell people. It's seen by many as a "lower class" form of entertainment.