Post what you hate


Well-known member
You know, I hate rapist in general. All rapist really, anyone who would be so careless of someone else. They're worst than murders, they're are the only people I cannot understand at all.

I am sorry but Rapists are not worse than muderers!!! You can not take back a murder. Period. Before anyone starts telling me You can't take back a rape. I call bull****!!!!! YOU ARE STILL ALIVE after you are raped. It's an assault, and it is ****ed up in the extreme. But it still is just an assault, the human mind can cope with assault, most of the time. I have three daughters, and I would rather see them raped then KILLED!!!!

I think that we could both agree that those who do both, should not be allowed to breathe air anymore. :mad::mad:


not actually Fiona Apple
I am sorry but Rapists are not worse than muderers!!! You can not take back a murder. Period. Before anyone starts telling me You can't take back a rape. I call bull****!!!!! YOU ARE STILL ALIVE after you are raped. It's an assault, and it is ****ed up in the extreme. But it still is just an assault, the human mind can cope with assault, most of the time. I have three daughters, and I would rather see them raped then KILLED!!!!

I think that we could both agree that those who do both, should not be allowed to breathe air anymore. :mad::mad:

When it comes to right and wrong, to me intentionality is more important than the specific actions. My ideas of morals are that everyone has their own specific moral code, and there's not a universal moral code. Basically what people do I don't believe is as important as why people do things. If you think about this it may make me sound like a terrible person, but I had to establish that before I went on.

Now when I said I thought rapist worse than murders, I did not mean all rapist are worse than all murders, I just was thinking generally, maybe on average. Since I don't base right and wrong on actions, everything is situational.

So whenever someone does something, I tried to figure out what could possibly going through their heads, what they're thinking. What their reasoning is for doing what they do. I recognize everyone doesn't think the same way as myself, and make sure to take that into consideration. When I try to go into the head of a killer, I'm able to formulate trains of thoughts that could possibly be acceptable by my standards. Now don't get me wrong, I don't think by any means their actions are acceptable in our society, but if they think what they are doing is okay I can't hate them. As messed up as that sounds, someone doing what they think is right/acceptable is, at least morally speaking on a personal level (The persons personal level), is okay.

Now when I try to get into the head of a rapist, I'm just lost. It's almost impossible for me to find a good person in there, in any way. Again, not saying murder is a good thing, but doing bad things doesn't make someone a bad person. Rape comes in all different forms, but when I think of it I think of it at maybe its worse, someone who's young and innocent, and has it all stripped away. And how the person doing it has to be completely knowledgeable of what they are doing it and continue regardless. On top of that I have trouble coming up with any not completely selfish reasoning for doing it. Sure, there are some demented people who thinks their victim "Likes it," but I find that hard to believe in most cases. If anything that's rationalization on the rapist part to try to convince themselves it's okay. I just have a tremendously difficult time trying to find a train of thoughts that could even let them off the hook for doing something so so horrible to another human being.

I would love to be able to say their are no bad people in the world, even though bad things happen. The reason I try to go into their heads is to try to find a possible thinking, a reason for me to think they're trying to do good. I'm not saying all, or any, murders are good inside, but I'd like to be able to convince myself that they are. I understand where your coming from, and how devastating it would be to see one of your daughter killed. But I'm not talking about the act, I'm talking about the "act"ors. I think many would rather have a living daughter with a horrible burden to bear than a non-living one. But also I believe the horribleness of the dead doesn't define the horribleness of the person doing them. You can feel free to disagree, you know different strokes, that's just my thoughts.

I hope that made sense I'm not very good at explaining my thoughts. And just as a side note, I never said whether or not I believe rape is worse than murder or not. And while I do have my thoughts about it I'll keep them to myself, it's not important to the point I'm trying to make.


Well-known member
Don't get me started! There was a girl I used to know at school, she literally walked right past me and ignored my greeting. She knew damn well I was there. She was weird like that. Only talked to me whenever she wanted something. Is a little humility so much to ask for? Apparantly so.

ive had them do the same thing to me. i said hi to a girl once at a party and she just walked off ignoring me. you would think a grown woman would not behave that way.
ive had a few that would return the favor and talk some but its like "how dare you say hi to me, you dog!"
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I hate old men who disobey the road rules and expect you to slam on the breaks so you don't hit their car turning right in front of your car because they just don't want to follow the road rules.:mad:
It's happened to me 3 times in the past 2 weeks. Do these old men think they have a right to do what they like on the roads because they are old!?


Well-known member
I hate old men who disobey the road rules and expect you to slam on the breaks so you don't hit their car turning right in front of your car because they just don't want to follow the road rules.:mad:
It's happened to me 3 times in the past 2 weeks. Do these old men think they have a right to do what they like on the roads because they are old!?

my favorites are the ones who ride down the road with their turn signal on. its like ive had my right turn signal stuck on since 1984 but im actually turning left.
my favorites are the ones who ride down the road with their turn signal on. its like ive had my right turn signal stuck on since 1984 but im actually turning left.

lol I know!:rolleyes:
I find a lot of motorbike riders are notorious for leaving their turn signal on forever. I thought it might be because the bike is so loud they can't hear it's clicking sound still going?
I hate illogical people. I hate noises and overly bright lights (eg DRILLING, screaming, lights in club -- clubs themselves, heavy traffic). I hate so many govt policies that I can't even begin to name them. I hate myself. I hate my sis in law. Bad music (this counts under 'noise'?) is also one of my pet peeves. I actually get headaches listening to that.


Well-known member
I hate people that take advantage of your generosity and then blame you for their misfortunes when the **** hits the fan.

I hate that the government is reaaallly stupid.

I hate it that people don't even try to understand other people.

I also hate that it took me so long to get to a real computer to upload an avatar and a profile pic!!!