Post your favourite music


Well-known member
lol 'Love turns to hate'. It's still a good song, though. I have a song from one of my 'firsts', but it wasn't anything special so I don't really listen to the song with that memory in mind. I'm surprised that the memory didn't ruin the song for me. lol

YouTube - the verve-sonnet

I LOVE all the songs The Eighties Matchbox b-line distater have done, i'm listening to them now and i'm in my element lol It's a shame the didn't get famous!

Oooooh that song by The Verve is beautiful, they dis some spectacular songs :cool:


Well-known member
I've never heard of them, but I'm glad I did because I can hear they're very good. I'm always looking for new music to download. Thanks!

Same with me LOVE music and am always looking for new things to listen to, that's why i like this thread so much hehe :cool:


Well-known member
Yes, I love music very much. I'm always playing something. I have a Sony Ericsson W559 phone and it's basically very useful for downloading music and whatnot, and I always have it with me. I use it more for music then I do for calling and texting. My husband bitches at me for always listening to music. I'll be washing dishes, cleaning the house, showering, out smoking a cigarette, working out...listening to music and he thinks it's lame. lol

I think i'd go mad without my music, my pc speakers messed up a while ago so i had to rely on my ipod and stereo for music, i don't know why but it didn't feel the same, on here i have itunew with thousands of songs on so i can pick and choose i just felt at a loss ::eek:: You're hubby should dance around with you hehe i can't believe he bitches at you listening to :confused: