Post your picture thread

Well-known member
Awesome! Do you dye your hair cool colors often? I want to do teal sometime! But I'd have to bleach my head off first. :(

Yeah I used to color my hair all the time, my hairs naturally pretty black and I bleached it to go red, then tried going back to black but it turned out brown, and so i put the highlights in then made em purple and black. Not gonna dye my hair again i think, it like... strips my hair too bad haha. Teal would be neat!
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I've been messing around with my new low-quality webcam, so thought I would share my head with you all.

Wow, you look way different to what I imagined. I think in my mind you were a cowboy. Damn imagination. You look good, well done for putting the pictures up


Well-known member

Nice pics. :) You remind me of Michael Cera

thank you all, It's funny you're all so positive about my pics, while I don't think those pics are nice or something::p:

But maybe that's just a human thing, rite? a lot of people don't like their own pics haha ::p: and thanks about the bone structure complimentos, in holland they never told me that, actually people from other countries told me few times, maybe that's an english expression, we don't use. ::p:

Yeah I thought the haircut wouldn't suit me, I wasn't afraid though of cutting it off, but i'm happy with it, i even like it better than the long style hair, I always used to wear a pony tail, so. :)

Thanks all! You're all looking fab as well.

Btw pips, you have really beautiful eyes!

and Kathryn looking great girl=D you've got a cool style!