Quitting job in 2.5 hours, panicking hardcore


Active member
I'm quitting my zookeeper job today and moving back home to CO but since I've only been here a month and a half I am soooo terrified to quit!! Just the thought of the conversation alone is terrifying me. I don't want to have to work the two weeks of notice because I don't want the other girls barraging me with questions during those two weeks, making me feel worse. And what's worse is our area of the zoo had some flooding because of rain so its a mess so I'm sure she'll want me around. Ugh horrible timing...flooding and I'm quitting all in one day. I'm panicking so damn bad. :( :( :(


Active member
Well its over. My boss took it really well, she was super nice about it. I'm so happy it's finally over. I just can't wait to go home!!


I'm glad everything worked out for the best! I'm the same way with worry, I imagine all the worst possible scenarios and get myself all worked up. Usually everything goes smoothly and none of the horrible things that I thought would happen do happen! Don't worry about what your parents or anyone else will think. You're not living their lives, you're living your own! You've got to do whatever makes you happy.
Well its over. My boss took it really well, she was super nice about it. I'm so happy it's finally over. I just can't wait to go home!!
That is good to read that your boss was ok with it, Zoogirl.:applause:
Good luck with finding something else when you get back home.:)


Well-known member
You realise you will have to change your username now :)

FormerZoogirl84? :bigsmile:

Anyway, I admit leaving work is something among the top-5 scariest stuff for SAers, since the fear of rejection is precisely our main Achilles heel.

I sympathize with the OP; every time that I've done this went through the same panic mode process, but ended up feeling so embarrassed afterwards because it turned out so much easy and better than I imagined.


Active member
I quit because the job is just not for me...the work is literally back breaking and my health is deteriorating, plus I'm treated terribly by the lead keeper. And we ran out of money because my husband couldn't get work. He got his old job back in CO plus raise.
We move back Oct. 6th. And yes, I suppose I could change my username. I do still love animals and zoos... I'll just have to find something more compatible with me. :/


Active member
Well...I've accomplished this much... However I still have one problem. I haven't told my family anything of this. I'm terrified to. You see, this is the second time I've gone off and gotten a degree and the "the job" tong go with it only to decide I don't like it after all... I don't think my parents would care to go through that again. My parents aren't exactly the supportive type. My husband's family, on the other hand, is jumping in to help us move back, no judgment, didn't even ask. They are wonderful. Its kinda like having the sides of my family I never had. Sure I can tell them how everything has gone to crap in a hand basket, but I guarantee they will say what most everyone says... "Hang in there..." But I will probably try anyway to see if they say anything different. They don't know I have SA, by the way. I don't really want to throw away another degree, but at the same time I don't think I'll find any animal related jobs back home... except for shelters and I think my body has proved to me I can't quite do the physical labor I thought I could push through.

Anyway, my mom had called and I didn't pick up, I didn't feel ready to talk to them. But I don't want to worry them either, so I'll probably have to call tomorrow. Ugh and my dad loves to put me on speaker phone... I hate that. I hope my mom picks up when I call, maybe I can tell her not to. But my mom almost.never answers the phone.
Anywho...I'm rambling. I better get to sleep...fighting off a lovely kidney infection and am quite tired. Goodnight


Well-known member
He got his old job back in CO plus raise.

Well, in that case why don't you tell your parents that you are going to move back to CO because of your husband getting back his job with the raise? It's not like a lie in that case, it's more like omitting some parts of the truth to be able to cope with the situation. Then, you can tell them you were not very fond of the job you were making (because of health issues or whatever) so you were happy to quit. I'm sure if they see that you are happy for your return to CO, instead of telling them how much your zoo job made you suffer both physically and mentally, that it was you who wanted to get back to CO, etc, etc, they'll be cool with that.


Active member
Because they'd still see it as me throwing away the one opportunity that would get me into the "zoo world." All I ever wanted and worked for was to be a zookeeper, now I know its not what I want. Again. :/


Well-known member
You got stuck under bad management and expected better. It's OK. We all live and learn. You can still use your degree and find work in a relevant field (under good management!), it's not the end of the world.


Active member
I hope so...though I really have no idea what job I can get that's close to our city...
Ugh I am dreading this phone call so much, even though I may not actually tell them, I will at least tell them how nothing is going well out here for us...


Well-known member
I will at least tell them how nothing is going well out here for us...

Hey, I don't think this is a good choice... I agree with Vitalis... don't even say that things aren't going well to your parents. It will make them worry about you and draw attention to negativity and weakness... In fact, I think that will secure in their mind exactly how you don't want them to view you. This is important in your self-talk as well.

Re-frame this situation in your mind. You are an adult and have made the best decision for your family- financially and emotionally. Focus on the idea that your husband is getting a raise and you want to be close to family after all. That's it. All the negativity about your recent experience should be secondary, if that. Forgive yourself and be excited to start the next chapter!


Active member
Forget about my husbands job, this ordeal is about me and my family. I moved us out here because I finally got my "dream job." If I move back, I will never be a zookeeper again. So long as they still think I want to be a zookeeper, they will know I will be killing my chances of ever being a zookeeper again. They won't give a crap about my husband's job, they are focused on me and my "dream job." It just sucks so much I've gone through this exact scenario before with another degree and career... Although I do not regret getting my zoology degree as I do love animals... I wish I could better describe my parents to give everyone a better idea. The fact that it's only been two months doesn't help either.


Active member
Sometimes it pays to expect the worst as much as I do. I made the call, told them all the negative things, and very much to my surprise *they* came up with the idea that I should come home! So yeah, I'm overly dramatic with everything but hey, if you expect the worst at least you're prepared for whatever, right? I'm glad it all worked out. Guess I better give more credit to my parents, huh. :) Despite being broke and a bit homeless when we get back due to the temporary brokenness, I think everything will be alright...