Really embarrassing blushing story I wanted to share with u


Well-known member
Ok so I was in this career class and we had to say what our strengths were to the whole class. So when my turn came up and I was reading out my strengths, I could feel my face turning red and I was getting really hot. So finally when i was done, the teacher was like "that was really good" and then he had too annouce to the whole class how red my face was. And people started laughing and then my face went even redder!! And then he was like "now its getting even more red" and then more people laughed!! :oops: :oops: I was completly mortified!! I wanted to crawl and hide under the table. Then I spent the rest of the day obsessing about it. GGRRR... i hate it when people make a big deal about someone blushing, cuz it just makes that person blush even more! I just had to share that with everyone :) , makes me feel a bit better. Thanks for listening.


Well-known member
oh goodness, that's horrible!

i hate it when people think it's cute that people blush, little do they know that it's what we fear the most.


Well-known member
Funny you should mention blushing because I had trouble with it this week. I never really suffered from it but since I stopped taking the meds it seems to affect me quite badly now :oops: