Recharging yourself

For introverts, being in a social situation - school, work, party,... - is usually very draining. We can feel flat and unfunctional from just a few hours with other people.

What do you do to unwind and recharge?


Well-known member
Sometimes I go for a long drive to nowhere in particular. Other times I try to get some fresh air by heading to the beach and finding a secluded area to walk by myself and think for a while. Occasionally I stand under the shower for what feels like an hour, just to wash away the stress and that lingering awkward feeling I get after having been sociable. I also have a night of drinking by myself once or twice a week. Nothing crazy, maybe five or six beers, just to take the edge off.


Active member
Nothing in particular to be honest =/ I guess the thing I do most is just sit alone and gather my thoughts, listen to music and take my mind off the experience(s). Usually helps me recharge
Oh, and deep breaths


Well-known member
For introverts, being in a social situation - school, work, party,... - is usually very draining. We can feel flat and unfunctional from just a few hours with other people.

What do you do to unwind and recharge?

wow yeah i feel like i got hit by a ton of bricks from too much social stuff but i have to keep trying to force myself into it. i dont want to miss out on life.

but when i get home-
i like to watch documentaries on line, or take a hot bath with some wine/music/candles, spend time with pets, meditation when things are really bad.
Theses things help me find my center of calm again.
Hide in my house and put my earphones in with my favourite music turned up waaaay too loud.:)

The relief this brings outways the fact that I will most certainly lose my hearing early.:rolleyes:


Well-known member
Shut myself in my room and listen to music, or read, sometimes both. Also unwinding with a good movie helps too.


Well-known member
listening to music, playing guitar, playing on video games. Just anything that involves being alone and allows me to be creative/use my noggen.


I just need to be alone. It's preferable if there is no particular demands on my time so that I can relax and do whatever I feel like at the time, but I can recharge at work too if the place is quiet and nobody bugs me and I can concentrate on just writing software, as long as I haven't been *too* drained first.


Well-known member
Play a movie. Other times i like to read a book and listen to relaxing music. And/or make tea, walk in the woods and observe the animals, write stories, draw, guitar, that kind of stuff oh and take a nap
wash the day off with a shower or a swim at the beach in summer
change into comfy home-clothes
laptop > spw > headphones > youtube music
be alone; be alone; be alone; be alone


not actually Fiona Apple
Being alone doing something that doesn't require much attention on my part, usually doing nothing. Anything that allows me to mull over what just happened. Mowing my lawn is actually very good for me, 5 hours of mindless mowing and half-heard music.
Being alone doing something that doesn't require much attention on my part, usually doing nothing. Anything that allows me to mull over what just happened. Mowing my lawn is actually very good for me, 5 hours of mindless mowing and half-heard music.

Is this a big lawn or do you use an electric razor??