Recovering addict with SA, GAD And panic attacks


Well-known member
When my anxiety got too bad in my teens.. i turned to drugs to help kill the anxiety and panic. It worked for a while until the drugs made the anxiety unbearable. Nowadays I stay clean through Narcotics Anonymous. (7 years last April) Are there other recovering addicts here?
If there are any addicts here that are not clean... and want to be. Hang in there. It can get better.


Active member
I'll have nine years drug and alcohol free this July 30TH. I started at the age of 13 and quit the day before I turned 40. I believe the drugs made my SA worse, alcohol the opposit. But I do not recommend drinking to anyone. My life is much better with out it.

I used to attend AA and NA and it did help. But for the most part it was my desire to to abstain that kept me clean all these years. I have to admit I walked away from some meetings angry. It seemed that when I spoke at times I was misinterperted and reprimanded too often.


Well-known member
15 years on Benzos - however went from Xanax to Klonopin which was more stable and then been tapering ever since.